Monday, December 29, 2008
i found a pic we took at OBS one year back and my tears just kept
rolling and rolling..Seriously i miss u alot..i m sorry i was too busy and
i didn;t treated u well and i was too petty to be angry that small matter
that time..but i know is too late i guess we can nver see each other again
in our life..i really cant believe those words came true and i nver tot
i would be tat sad now..Destiny has brought us together but fate has
separated us..i would save lots of money and see u again..I PROMISE!
How i hope u are beside me now and i wun be so lost and helpless..when
u are here u always give me advise wad to do and now?
And i would nver forget our last telephone call before u left..that last moment:(
I really dunwan to be alone..I have threw a bottle into the sea wit a note of
wad i wanna say to you if we had the fate then hope u would see that drifting
bottle one day on the beach..Contact me soon!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
i really cannt tahan anymore!wujing today dinner would be our
last right?i would always miss u cuz u are my bestest friend i ever had
wit u ard my days are full of laughter..although i expected u would go
but not so soon and worst is u keep me in dark..Wujing i would nver forget
the days we had spend at OBS and our outings wit suen and munyee..U
might have left me miles away but u would always be living in my heart..
i m speechless now..totally..Jing takecare while u are aboard and contact
me when u are free!at least email!CRAPPER I WOULD MISS U!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Firstly i m so happy to know that i m the first one to broke the record of
earning the most salary since Guthrie House Cold storage was open..Guess how
much i earned in total this month?It was 3 as much as i earned in carl's Jr..haha..
but i gonna save them up:)
Secondly i m leaving Guthrie house on sunday meaning it is going to be my last day:(
Sad to leave as everyone there treated me well and all look upon me..I cant believe i
make it thru the 10 weeks there..I still remember when i first reach i was under Pei
huan and i was so stupid..keep making mistakes but in the end i became the section
leader of all the part timers and i was quite honor to take that place as my mentors
are under me..and between this 10 weeks we had sack alot of part timers and also
the one i like most but pin tong and i had made a promise that we would contact
each other no matter wad!so touch to hear that:(..Seriously i really love this job alot!
i would nver forget this memories i spent wit them
And another thing tat i was proud to take this job was that i got to deliver a hamper to
one of our minister mansion..i nver thought that i would be selected..i felt so honor to
deliver on behalf of all my managers and cold storage..on the way i saw this really really
huge mansion or should i say PALACE?i can say it was the most luxurious Palace i
ever seen in SG..And he park his 10 super super exp Ferrari outside his house and
there was a huge fountain wit a beautiful angel on it and the main door of his house is
2 storey tall? and the interior desgin is like OH MY GOSH!..SUPER SUPER SUPER
Thirdly is CHRISTMAS IS HERE..sorry guys i dun have the time today to meet up wit
u guys for dinner but we still can meet tmr for dinner!and of PRESENTS would be given
too but dun expect too much on the presents and i m saving up:)..I hope that Wujing
can join us too!gonna sms her later:D...MERRY X'MAS GUYS:D
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Come ON la dun talk like a kid lah..I was intended to hack care but now..
Firstly i slip off my mind that i need to hand up my timesheet on that night just in case u dunno wad a timesheet is it is something that u nid to hand up to ur agency to get ur pay if u are late means no more transtion and u got wait for 15 more days..and by the time i left my store and
submit all the documents it was already 8plus and if i tell gary that day that i m going to be late for 2hours would u feel more fuck up then i say we do it on thurs?And i inform u all beforehand loh not that i last min then say,dun believe go see gary's sms la
SWEAT..I didn;t steal or rob the money i EARN THEM..the money u lend
gary are money from ur PARENTS and not earn from urself and i dun work
in a good enviroment i had to CARRY stocks ard the supermarket and STACK
THEM and thats is something u totally cant do it!DUN BELIEVE U COME ONE
DAY i ask my boss let u work i tell u the first hour u feel like QUITTING already!
And i dunnO what and how she told u her story and dun jump into conclusion
before u hear the whole story!her's is one sided story..u can choose to believe
because she is ur DAJIE and if u totally believe means u are bias not to me but
to the fact..
When she ring me on 5th OCT 2008 at ard 10plus i was at mel's house and she
told me that she need one hundred dollars to get her bf a PS3 and she dun have
enough money and i didn;t even think and i answered 'okay i can lend u as i got
some money wit me' and she promise that she would return me asap after she got
her pay..we work tgt for the same job agency therefore i know when is the pay day
so i sms her on her pay day and she told me she is out of job and she is working
for ah yeo and return me late and she promise to return me on the 15 of nov
and i understand so i said okay..but in the end i didn;t receive her msg that she
cant pay me back so i jiu suan le nvm as i have some money to pay my bill and hopefully
i got some money for my daily expenses..but who knows my parents went to thailand
for holidays for 3 days and suspend all my acc wit cash and on gave me 30 bucks for
me 3 meals a day and do u know i need least 12 bucks per day as my side the food
ain;t cheap!but in the end i drop the 20 dollars and i only left wit 10 bucks so i bought
tons of cheap maggi noodles home to eat and i sms dajie pls pls pls just return some
money for me to ease thru the tough time like 20 to 30 bucks can le or just enough
for to eat..but GUESS WAD she NVER REPLY..i was fucking angry as i lend her the
money because she is my dajie and i trust her very much but in the end the dajie
i used to know treat me like tat..just left me to die?CAN U IMAGINE U ARE EATING
She later wanted to borrow another 100 bucks from me but i really only got 150 dollar
left and i said i can lend u 50 bucks only and this time she promise to return ALL on the
late nov but in the end she nver and this time because of this i got to borrow money from
my parents and beg them to help me pay my bills first..
when elvin and melvin told me that dajie woud not pay me back but i dun believe them
as i got the trust in my dajie but in the end i got really really fucking angry when i think
back that i had to suffer so much and she suddenly changed so much..dun say i nver
give her enough time as the timing was promise by her not ME..and the worst part is
she dun have the responsible to at least inform me she just ingore my msgs and calls..
DUN ACCUSE ME!i decided to take action is all because she went MIA and those money
The money u lend gary are ur parents hard earned money but u dunno what they have
went to thru just to earn that money..
I know u very well that u would still think i m too much but i dun care the fact is i TOTALLY
dun deserve this kind of suffering when i just wanted to help this wad i get in return when i want to help?Think about it if u was really in my shoes.u mind think she is ur dajie but if u
are at ur wits end wad would u do?lend from friends who dun even have enough for themself?
And i dun mean to put ur areoplane on that day.I apolosied to u for that day.I m sorry.
& Thridly since u all said mel no right to scold ur grandma n i know he was totally wrong but wad has given u the right to scold OUR friend a BITCH?cant he get angry?if u have not start the post it would it had happen?i know u would shoot me,orh ur ownself admit it i also nver put the name but it is so obvious la..There would not be a smoke if there is no fire?
And if is convenience pls post on ur blog what and how has dajie told u just to match the storyline..and u still think is totally my fault we can tell the whole story to our teachers or an outsider which totally had no bias and judge the fairness lah..
Friday, December 12, 2008
to see a doc regarding the cut on my hand today..First i went for Reregistration
for 15 mins then wait see doc for 1 hour then take xray 1 hour then see the xray and
my hand and collect medicine and payment i waited another 1hour 20mins-.-..spent
the whole morning at the Hospital..There was some little little pieces of glasses in my
palm and my tendons of my palm at broken and the broken glass had scratch my bone
therefore i felt numbness and pain and no energy on my right palm..but it is fine as the
tendons would recover ard 2 to 3 week and the piece of glasses would be repel out by
my no nid to operate to remove..i was so afraid that i must operate..i tell u i
would cry out immediately!..
Then went to meet mel at his house and he treat me drink a bowl of delicious Tonic soup!
and we head off to Lim Chu Kang to see my guppy!..It was quite a dissppointing trip as
it has nothing much and the price has so much differences and we went pass tis chicken
farm..arhggg i can tell u it was the worst thing i ever smell in whole was totally
SMELLY and there are chicken feather floating in the air..EEKKK!!..
Went to C328 and see but nver see anything that catches my eyes only one thing and that
is CRAYFISH!!..oh man i wanna keep them but it is so exp and the stock they have a
lousy de!PUI!..i shall hunt ard for better de..Mel bought another 'dragon'..Meet et and
qiqi and eat at this Streets Cafe..the Service is sucky compare to the Ehub de!..i insist on
see their manager and i vent all my anger on her and she treat us for our
not i cheap or wad but their service and timing of serving items sucks lah!and i did not
really vent all my anger on her lah is like 10%nia-.-...Et was rather happy as he save his
drink $$$..haha..Home after dinner as i have something to attend at home..
so my plan for today is to go to Polyclinic to see doc because i believe
i po san feng if u are smart u know..having fever now and i think my
hand inside still got some remaining small pieces of glass so i think need
a small operation to remove them..hais..SCARE!
Then visit Uncle Johnson at Lee&Lee lawfirm about some matter and i going
to make a police report and start the proceedings..This is my Final Deadline
for u and It is 7DAYS from this post onwards and i following the law of
singapore of giving legal deadline if 7days i didn't see it then i would send
u a Letter OF DEMAND from my lawyer and if u still refuse then
we see each other in Law of Court bah..Dun blame me for being ruthless because
i have given u sufficient deadline and the deadline was also not given by me but
YOU promise me de!I can make it more big and happening if u force me more!
Then after the lawfirm visit then i shall meet mel to see my fish:D..and catch a hearty
dinner tgt wit qiqi and et bah..hope so:D
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My hand hurts like shit now!stupid me was the 1st
i ever got cut so badly and bled so much,it was like the tap water
it just kept flowing..Actually at that time that feeling was just
like how my heart felt this few days..My hand is numb now cuz
it cut until my bone there-.-...
Almost got knock by car again yesterday..Suay lah!I rather be
dead mind is fill wit many many things that i wanna do
and complete!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
S.H.E - 安静了 作词:Selina(任家萱) 作曲:周杰伦 编曲:吕绍淳 专辑:我的电台 FM S.H.E ........ music...... 只剩下钢琴陪我站在这里 梦想中 属於我们的婚礼 却成了 单人结婚进行曲 在这场爱情角力的拔河里 爱我还是爱你 你选择了自己 wo~ 撒娇的 可爱的 迷人的 爱哭的 照片里 曾经的 都是你喜欢的 如今我还在原地 你却走回你的记忆 你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹没 你害怕幸福 短暂一秒就崩落 分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想过 我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够给我? 你说我给你太多 却不能给我什麽 分不清激情承诺永恒或迷惑 爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛 沉默是我最後温柔 是因为我太爱你 只剩下钢琴陪我站在这里 梦想中 属於我们的婚礼 安静了 在我枕边的梦里 我知道相爱原本就不容易 爱不是一场雨 努力就有结局 wo~ 连假的泪还温热 却没有人握我的手 你说我爱你太多 就快要把你淹没 你害怕幸福 短暂一秒就崩落 分开是一种解脱 让你好好的想过 我想要的那片天空 你是不是能够给我 你说我给你太多 却不能给我什麽 分不清激情承诺永恒或迷惑 爱情是一道伤口 我们各自苦痛 沉默是我最後温柔 是因为我太爱你 | |
Rihanna,Take a Bow
Ohh, how about a round of applause?,
Yeah, standin' ovation,
Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah.
You look so dumb right now,
Standin' outside my house,
Tryin' to apologize,
You’re so ugly when you cry,
Please, just cut it out.
Don’t tell me you’re sorry 'cause you’re not,
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught,
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh.
Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on),
Talkin’ 'bout girl, I love you, you’re the one,
This just looks like the re-run,
Please, what else is on.
And don’t tell me you’re sorry 'cause you’re not (mmm),
Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught (mmm),
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow, ohh.
And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you),
For makin' me believe that you could be paithful to me,
Let's hear your speech out,
How about a round of applause,
A standin' ovation.
But you put on quite a show (oh),
You really had me goin',
But now it’s time to go (oh),
Curtain’s finally closin',
That was quite a show (oh),
Very entertainin',
But it’s over now (but it's over now),
Go on and take a bow.
But it's over now.
Woke up really early this morning cuz i cant seems to fall aslp..
Was thinking and cooking lunch for mum to let her bring to dad later..
I think this few songs represent my feelings now and there is a few more but
i got no time to post le cuz going to cut hair soon and going to have a good day wit
my buddies..
Saturday, December 6, 2008
it is really here i can feel it u?Bad OMEN!..hais i have learn to take
things easily..
This year is really not a year for me,i m also suay for the whole damn year but
my working there de auntie say bad things would always follow u de but good
things would!After bad things good things sure would come along de..yes i must
be more possible!
OFF DAY for tmr!WOhoo!!meeting mel and et to cut hair then go here and there
the whole day liao..haha!love it!next wednesday is my last off day for my rest of my
working life at Gurthrie House..Although my Boss have a sucks attidue and temper but
i love my job as a senior of the part timers..this working experince is better than the
one in Carl's Jr..i really experince wad is when u staff do something wrong is equals
to me who did wrong cuz i m the senior or supervisor?and i have the power to talk
to them when they have problems and of cuz get rid of the ones that are incapable!..
Almost 2 mths had pass..time really files..i had the feeling of just like i have just started
working..seriously i would nver forget Pin Tong and clement and Johnathan for my life!
Oh ya i almost got knock by car twice this week le!And oh yes i m damn damn damn suay
cuz all the auntie and boss say my fringe has cover my whole forehead and it has block
a impt light or luck that has to go thru my forehead..but lucky i nver kana knock arh:P
but when i saw that car coming i have the time to react and dodge but somehow my mind
told me 'what for u dodge lets go ba i have nth left already'..and i gong gong de stood there
until the car was at my face..Life is pretty meaningless for me now seriously i m willing to
leave this world anytime cuz i have really seen wad are all kinds of humans like on this
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
went to mel house for lunch and we went out to see fish and visit farms
& shops..Oh man mel's mum cooking is damn good la,she cook seafood
linguine pasta for lunch and i LOVE linguine,fettuccine and Angel's hair
pasta the most out of all the pastas!mmm..great lunch for me:)thanks mel:)
Head off to CCK as we are going to QianHu then to Guppy Galaxy..Reached
QianHu and i feel that their guppy stocks and some other topical fishes stocks
are low today..nth much impress me..So we walk to the main road to take a bus and
we walk up the stupid hill to Guppy Galaxy..Oh man i can say Guppy Galaxy sells
the best and rarest guppy i ever seen so far..& of cuz the price is also jaw dropping as
it cost min. $10 for the lousy pair and as high as $80 per PAIR!..oh man mel saw
the guppy he likes most and for me too,actually wanted to buy but it cost $30per
pair and i felt that i should not spent this money at this moment so i skip it..
Went to clementi to buy sometings and catch dinner at Botak i love their
fish and chips!..And home as something had happen at home..
I kept recalling something..somehow i have dream of all this happening during a dream
long ago which somehow i rmb it and i rmb the ending..i was not very shock when daddy
called me because REALLY somehow i knew it would happen..Have u always been on
my side and telling me wad would happen next?
Monday, December 1, 2008 was a fun day!now pin tong is directly wit us as a team liao we had
lorts of jokes and silly talks wit clement and we all was discuss how can i help
them quit earlier-.-mmm..not much of the ways but i still got some lah!
Talk and jokes ends at 5pm because they went home le and i felt that i was
sick after that..heat came out of my body and i was giddy i knew i had a fever
so i tell boss and he was so nice to let me off tmr plus knock off early:D...Thanks
Yesterday i had a weird dream i dream of this woman who came to me and ask me
about my life so far and i told her everything and i was pretty sad and i realise my
pillow was wet when i woke up cuz i was crying in the dream..I rmb her last words
was'if u think that u have not done wrong and those who had been wrong would
get their retribution one day,let the hate go and dun get stuck and dun dwell over
things that are unhappy'..I kept thinking of her words the whole day but somehow
dunnO who is she but thanks alot for ur advised..
Auntie wendy who is my current colleague told me her way of keep her beauty is tat
she dun rmb or dwell wit unhappy things..she always tell me'what is gone is gone
dun bother thinking of it anymore'..i agreed wit her so whenever i got scolding of
think of unhappy past i would tell myself why think of it is gone..hahaXD..must learn
to not dwell wit things!
Tmr is my off day again:D so would be going to mel house for lunch since he invited me
and then we would head off to searching and visiting fish farms:D..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
YEAH!cuz i was meeting mel at kallang therefore i took this bus 67 to
kallang from my workplace then it passes by this LITTLE INDIA &
SERANGOON ROAD where al the foregin indian workers are gathering there..
at that moment that the bus passes by i really tot i was in Dubai,India-.-..
Nah forget about that lets talk about the happy things!
Meet mel at kallang then we head over to kallang bahru where there is a fish
shop that is having closing down sales..Went there and i bought nothing and
that kaisu mel bought was the last day therefore it was EMPTY
everything was cleared!..nvm then we went over to geylang for froggy i simply love the froggy congee there as it is very tasty
and i had a good sweating while eating!now i feel so good as i haven been sweating for
days!after eating mel wans to see some(ermm ermmm)so went walk futher down
and mel was shocked and he wanna leave!lols and i cab home from there..
Saturday, November 29, 2008
haha went to bought fishy things again! and i bought another
1ft tank-.-..must control!Mel went crazy and bought half a dozen
of fishes home..hahaXD..
Something damn funny happened during our bus ride home,it was
so funny that me and mel laugh for 3 long bus stops and i almost
die of laughing cuz my stomach is dying!..WOAH WAD A BUS RIDE
Gonna slp soon tmr working 8am again-.-..sibie sian cuz most of my
colleagues off TMR!No one to joke..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
manager...oh man is damn stress lah he is like my superior in a few weeks time
but who cares i m leaving in a months time..I have been working at Guthrie House
for first i kept thinking how am i gonig to make it through with my boss
which is so demanding but time really files and i cant bear to leave the store now..
dunnO why..maybe i fell in love wit the job..From a person who always got scolded
and scolded to a person who are now my a stand in the store who ppl thinks that he
is one of the best part timer and whose boss can rest assured to leave the supermarket
and part timers under my control..i feel proud of myself..Boss had said that on the 28
of dec which is me pei huan and haqueel last day he said he would bring all the part timers
out for PARTY!Woah is going to be fun got Clement Pin tong Kai yong Pei Huan and one
more fellow which i cant rmb his name and BOSS!..haha.looking forward for that farewell
party!Drink till we drop!That wad boss said!hahaXD..
Today is the day where we would buy roast duck and chicken and stuffs to pray to the god
for the sales of this month and this time i was included in helping too:D..And they ask
for 4D number and i heard that everytime they buy they strike!..oh man i gonna ask
mummy to help me buy tmr cuz is like damn real cuz last month i eat 2 free meal for
sue cuz she strike the number TWICE!..OH MAN!..Hope god would spare me more cash
to spend as we are in a RECESSION and INFLATION now!
Was thinking of going to thailand during the chinese new year wit et and his family cuz
i wan to spend a holiday with my best friend but since yesterday mummy had been
not agreeing of me going cuz of the stupid thailand ppl who protest and riot until the
airport close and the govt had put a travel ban!..SHIT U guys!Ruin my PLAN!Hope
things would ease off soon and mummy would let me go cuz i really wanna GO LAH!
for ppl to see and protect ur reputation thats all!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
cuz today was super busy..hope the section leader can come back soon then
can relax abit liao but now is also quite fun la i think he would be back by tmr
or so..nothing much happen today..slp work slp!
Oh man god!I had just received news that 'N' Levels results would be out
on 18Dec..i m damn scare now but i m more or less know wad i wan in life..
although it might not be appealing to others but i know i would make another
shot in my life just when i m in EM3 to NA and yet maintain my result better than
the EM2 students..I m pretty confident!
Been thinking throughout the whole day or should i say i had been thinking since the
day you left me quietly in my life..I had made a mistake a really big mistake..
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I feel like when people needs help in any form they would use all kinds of
excuse and reason to get the help from me and i feel sorry and i trust that
person therefore i do it but when i m at my wits end wit no money and
my parents left for overseas and i was all alone have got any idea how i felt?
i had NO MONEY AT ALL i had to eat noodles for 3 DAMN FUCKING DAYS
because i help someone!DO I DESERVE IT?i just wanted to help you cuz you
are someone i trust and believe in most n do u know that?DO U HAVE MY
in the first place?just because of those childish comments?probably but now i
have thought through..
Okay today had off again!..fuck man i hate to off so often!hais nvm..i meet mel at
redhill and we head of to Drain Fishing at one of the main drain near his house it
was pretty fun at first but slowly my patience starts to loss and i get very irritated
and i feel like jumping into the water and scoop them up but the water is like 2~3m waited and waited but still dun have and we changed spot and that spot was
super sunny and hot..woah is like burning..SWEAT and DEHYDRATE! 2 hours time
we gave up and head to the nearby petrol station and bought a drink and wash our hands
clean!..And off we went to great world city for lunch and it has changed alot, i rmb when
i was young my parents always brings me there to eat and buy grocery..
We went to many many places and finally we stop at Chinatown to buy some fish things
and went to play lan while waiting for et to release from work and to catch dinner together..
we had KFC and mel is quite sick of CHICKENS now-.-..haha..
This month is earned lke 1500 plus and i spend almost all! i dunno where the money goes
to!..and i need the money back from the one i lend to now and fast if not i think i would use a method that is not so nice to collect sorry it is my wits end!
Monday, November 10, 2008

Dinner at STREET:)

BenBen korkor:)

when it was done!


WOAH straight!

so cuteXD

Half done...

Hate the steaming part..makes me look so stupid!
I shall upload until here first and the rest tmr..Kor nid to help me edit blog:D
thanks kor:D

Sunday, November 9, 2008
I went to Straighten my hair as korkor has recommended me to i meet him at
tampines at 1plus and we went to STORM,where he always cut his hair there..So it
started wit applying some cream and they start to STEAM my hair..oh man i was
terrible la cuz is hot and smoky and i dun like the cream smell!..then after 20mins they
check my hair and it was not straight enough and my hair was hard and stubborn..haha..
so 2ND ROUND OF STEAMING,i was like-.-..haha then wash and use the iron to further
straighten my hair and i was shocked to see my hair length and the thickness! damn
long la..haha..then they apply some setting cream and i wash and do treatment and cut
my hair..haha.guess how long it took in total?3hour plus-.-..and i spend $109 on my hair
but i think is worth spending cuz i look really better now..HAHA..I bought a Freshbox
pants too cuz there is a 50percent sale at tampines:)then we head off to pasir ris as
kor wanna alter his jeans there and we had planned to go ESCAPE but they weather was
not so good so we give it a skip and when to watch The Coffin at Ehub.Oh man it was
kinda scary on some parts as i really got shocked but kor was damn strong he was
damn calm and stable..haha..admire him:D..after moive we went to this hong kong cafe
and Mel and Qiqi was eating there too..haha..wad a small small world:)..I ordered some
shanghai fried noodle and kor ordered XO sauce fried noodle and we ordered the century
egg as korkor wanna eat and it was nice..haha first time eat cuz i usually dun like it-.-..
then after that shop shop and then meet mel and we all went home together:D..i had a
great day!Kor thank you so much for waiting for me for 3 hour plus without complaining:)
We shall meet to go sentosa one day:D..
Bought many many things and we went to many many place to buy things.Bedok,serangoon,
tamp,paris ris and orchard..haha..bought a filter and stuffs and now my tank really looks nice
and cool..shall take some pics soon as korkor wanna see my tank:D..yesterday we went to
seoul garden for dinner..mmm it was delicious:D..i was the prawn peeler and et cooker-.-
haha..had lots of fun! and et also bought a nice shirt!..haha:)
The Day befire yesterday
We got our pay and we meet and went to eat Teppanyaki at to me it was delicious but
to mel and et it was like shit..haha..maybe my taste and theirs is not simlar bah..was damn
happy as after all my hardwork i fianlly got my pay! glad to meet my besties again:D
U would be shock to see the brand new aaron chan!
Thanks alot kor:) U are my best korkor that i ever ever had!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
my tank was so empty before and now is so many fish le..haha..
got 10 mollie,6 neon tetras and 20plus guppies fry or baby:)and i gonna
buy like 3 more and some is going to be so lively!
Getting our pay in less then 4hours time le..haha got plenty of stuffs that
i wanna buy and of cuz i wanna save half of my gross salary this year:D
Things i wanna buy,
Ipod Nano,New slipper,White hoody,Specs,Fishes and tank,Clothes and many
many more!..
i m so excited for this sat as i haven meet et for sometime le and nver go out full
wit mel and et..haha..SHOPPING CELEBRATE:D
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
cracking my brain to present them nicely,i can say it was worse then
doing maths!..haha..Went to meet mel and qiqi after work actually jaiyi
wanted to come to see me and mel de but in the end she nver come..haha..
next time bah:D..So we shop ard ps and as usual lah,ps is so boring!..not much
shops that impress me-.-..Quite a boring place!
Something make me really doubtful yet happy,As usual i was singing like nobody
business while working and the music was really jazz and i love it alot,it was cobie
cailat songs,haha,then there was this lady appoarched me and ask me who was the
singer that i was singing and i told her and before she left she said,'Hey i realise that
u actually quite well'..i was like...thankyou:)..she was a ang moh..haha..i was so happy
but yet dobutful of wad she said..haha..maybe she is just trying to be nice bah..
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
sad that et was working and was going to ah long chalet so
cant meet him but still can meet him on sat de:D
We are release as the store is doing expiry check today..
so i was release at 1230 and meet mel at abc to eat my lunch and we
went over to ikea to see some furniture as i wanna buy something to
accommodate my new tank that i m going to buy after seeing it was
still early so we went over to serangoon to see fishes:D..haha..long time
since me and mel went there..In the end we were lost! mel say
'105 got go, i rmb!'haha then i turned out we went to some place called
lorong chuan-.-..took the bus back to serangoon interchange and this time
i say 'tell u liao 317 got go lah..'we happily board the bus and in end the
first half way was correct but the next half way was wrong!.wa piang eh!
SO in the end we found out that it was 315 that was is like this
lah,twirls and swirls in the end we return back to the same! the end
we took a cab there-.-..haha..mel bought a fish,haha,,very cheap nia..haha..
i bought a sponge filter:D..and we went to CT for chicken rice and went home:D
It has been a long time since i went out and slp!..the last 4 days i have been working
OTs!..walao is like 15 hours a day lah!..i only slp like 5 to 6 hours then before the
sunrise i must report to work liao!..haha but nvm lah cuz lawerance aka boss scare
got expired things then he must see CEO lei..dun wan hai him so help help lo:D..
is damn good pay lah 9 bucks per hour lei..4 days is like alot lah..hehe..and after
these few days my relationship and peu huan and haquel and suriyana and of cuz
boss had changed alot..the first 3 days while doing the check boss actually joke and
talk funny things wit us and i realise he actually got feelings de-.-..he is always like
scolding everyone lah but now i know why and he is a good boss or i must say dam
good..he cared so much for me pei huan and haquel,he was afraid that we are hungry
and kept on offering to treat us the swiss bake cake which is EXP!..but we rejected
cuz of the price:D..then we work until so late then he treat us cab home lei..where to
find this kind of boss?..the only thing i dun believe is the boss that is always strict and
firece actually jokes!..HAHA..auntie sally also told me boss recuit us using high pay
and high hours!..thanks boss!i woulkd work hard!..we had become the part time
elite team!..haha and i was label as boss personal assistance-.-..haha..glad to be that:D..
Got 2 sharings today,
Life is unfair? is nver fair just like boss said to us..and i agreed life we
cant choose our mum father or to be born in a silver spoon or sbilings..whenever there
is something worng we would get scolded even it was no done by me...not just in work
but in my life..but i believe is still fair sometimes as it had brought me wonderful experince
and friends,jing,et,mel,qiqi jiejie & MY BENBEN KORKOR:D..haha..i love them all more
then anyting!
The other shairng i shall do it tmr...
Ohya this sat and sun is the finall CSS(campus superstar)but i dun think i would be going
to try as i always wanted to do so and prove to everyone that i can DO IT de but now
i think is worthless to me le?cuz i haven been listening or singing for sometime le and if
i go i only bring embrasse to myself cuz i haven prepare and choose to go?
today i saw alot ppl in the bus singing and i mean is teenagers like me and i m sure he is
going but i can tell him he dun nid pro judge to judge i can tell is bye bye le although mine
is neither good..I always believe that to succeed in something u only nid 10% talent and
90%effort and determination then u are halfway there le..but now?i dun have both..i m
in a dilema...hais..sorry kenny and jun huat for ur support all this while but i m sorry:(
i should wake up from these superstar dream and be realistic lah..hahaXD..
And one very important things is,Thank you qiqi jiejie for buying me the braclet i was
so touch when i heard mel told me:(..thanks alot jiejie:D..i would buy u something too when
i get my soon:D!
Of cuz i wun not forget my et mel jing & kor lah..i bought for kor a few weeks back le but
no chance to give mel and jing and jiejie i know wad to buy liao:D!haha:D
Christmas would be arriving soon so I would also buy present for all my darlings:DD!
i love dec cuz is present mth!..haha:D..
Next event for me to plan would be mel's chalet which had been confirm so long liao and
now me and him is half way down planning the food and events:D..All friends are welcome:D
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Boss came back this morning and told me that i must work 12hours per
from tmr onwards until tuesday?..i was like WAD! can i thong..although
is good pay lah but i got no life to spend it!..hais..
Today after work went to mel house as he bought somethings for him and got
some leftover and ask me whether i wan time to buy so went to
take from mel..haha..he bought quite a few new things..then we went downstair
to eat curry fish head and he has been craving for it for sometime le!while waiting
we discuss somethings about chalets and stuffs but no detail one after dec then
do a detailed one..haha..Thanks mel for ur moss:D
Off to bed,Tmr 8am to 6pm,Sat 8am to 8pm, Sun 8am to 8pm and monday also
same but tuesday 7.30am to ???..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Why am i so cunning and evil to do this to you?All this was taught
by someone and i haven use my best skill to 'stab'
but too bad that someone cant take it anymore and thats byebye
to you..HAHA..PUI fuck you..HAHA..u wan stab me at my back?TOO BAD
I had made my connections well and done all i can to por?HAHA..u are just
a piece of cake to me..wan stab me?Go learn 10 years then come say bah..
All i can say ur precautions mind is not alert enough to notice this..With all
the incident that happen is enough to send you to death:P..HAHA..HAPPY
HOLIDAY TO U..Friends all this is said to someone you all dunO de,is just
some personal matter..
If i m evil and cunning if u know that friend of mine then u would understand
and know wad is EVIL & CUNNiNG means!
because someone has always take precautions on ur action..
Monday, October 27, 2008
I need someone to adopt some of my baby guppies as they
are growing up day by day and i dunno how to house them all
if no one is going to adopt then i might put some to hibernate..
Any kind souls?If Interested please please please post a reply
at my tagbox!Thanks alot:D
longing for,High School Musical 3!..oh man i love it so much but
i dun think it was as good as the season 2 as this movie had more
singing and dancing but lag of some feelings and touch
but i m so envy of them although is just a movie but seeing them so
united as one makes me feel that compare to us is just like a laugh
stock!..There was true love found and true friendship was also found,
friends that do things as one as a whole class,friends that is willing to
take and accept,friends that are forgiving and always encouraging
each other to the very last!I had always thought that our graduation
ceremony would be like that but how can we do?We are not united as
one and in terms of communication totally sucks to the core man..but
the would be no more for us,NO MORE cuz we are going to graduate
and leave the school and go separate ways,all this is too late..Friends
would not be as close as we dun get to see each other so often and we
all had our own things to busy with but i m sure i would nver nver forget
the year2006 and all my dearest friends that held me up all this times!
2006,was the best year for me,a very very memorable and unforgettable
till my last breathe on this world,we had the best teachers and the best
classmates..the most unforgettable would be the Friendship day that our
class or my best friends really work together as one..We stay back almost
everyday to design the room to total darkness,we had lots of quarrels(as usual)
because thats our way of communication,all the teachers said we would nver
make it but we proven them that they are WRONG!We did a successful haunted
house and won the most money earn event..We all was soo happy and glad as
our hard work indeed paid off well!And in terms of friendship,we had the best
and the greatest,everyone was there for each other and no one was left out although
quarrels do happen at times but i always believe that quarrels would make our
bond stronger.I thought if that time that we all had have stop and remain there
forever it would be great as that is the only year that i felt so carefree and happy
everyday sec of my life and i felt so satisfied!
Friends are just like waves of the sea,it would come one after another although
the next wave would arrive but it doesn't meant that i would forget that last wave
because the last wave had impact my life..Although i might have new friends in
life but i swear in the name of god,I would nver nver nver forget all my current
friends cuz we are once and forever a best best friend and once we all shared the
happiest moment together through darkness or shine!
I might hate u very much at times but i would nver nver forget the day that u had
done so much that i nver thought someone would do for me in my life and probably
this lifetime i might not be able to repay u back but the next life i would repay the
fullest i can do!Thanks for everything that u given me!
U might seem bo chap at all times but through all these years i start to feel ur inner
heart and i start to know actually u are more corncen about us then compared to
anyone else because we are all humans and we have feelings and emotions,serious
u indeed touch my life and gave me alot too!
Although u used to be selfish and only think of urself but u had changed alot and start
to care for ppl but ur harsh and implusive attidue would cuz u many problems i would
not able to be there to stop the fight or the quarrel anymore.Tolerate is all ican say..
I can feel the care and corncen from u although to dun always say it out or do it out
but all i can say is thank you for all that u had done for me:)
Storms,tides and toughness in life we had it all together as a team or as one,i always tot
i know u very well and in exchange u know me very well too but sometimes while working
i would think do i really know u that well?do i always know wad u are thinking?I miss the
days we had that probably we would not be able to exprinced again but u are someone that
i had always miss and love as my beloved friend!
Words and phrases can kill someone,Words are ur weapons and phrases are ur armor,you
would nver admit defeat as u think that pride is always the top about all but have u
ever rmb the days or like suen always said 'why dun u think of the past then take action'..
i nver believe in that but now i m able to know and realise wad she trying to say all these
times.All the best in life and i know and believe that u can do anything well in the future cuz
u are the smartest in terms of interllignet of a human thinking.
Tolerance is all u had and i can say u are the best friend that someone who hope to have,you
are kind and u had no motives and u nver take things too hard even life i miserable for u,
u had a carefree and happy life and the most pure and kindness soul i had seen so far in life
but life had ups and downs and everyone had its way of handling things for each situation
but i guess as long as u happy and glad i would feel the same way for u..Cheers!
i guess these is all i wanna say and the rest is for me to know and for u to realise it in your
future life,Guess which paragraph that represent u all bah..
Dun blame me for doing all this things cuz u are the one who haf force me to
do that to you..As time comes u would realise and know!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Simple plan 'Perfect'..
Colbie Cailat,Battle
You thought we'd be fine
all these years gone by
now your askin us to listen
well then tell us bout everything
no lies we're loosin time
Cause this is a battle
and its your final last call
it was a trial, you made a mistake, we know
but why arent you sorry, why arent you sorry, why?
this can be better, you can be happy, try!
You've got them on your side
and they wont change their minds
now its over
and im feelin like we've missed out on everything
i just hope its worth the fight
Cause this is a battle
and its your final last call
it was a trial, you made a mistake, we know
but why arent you sorry, why arent you sorry, why?
this can be better, you can be happy, try!
and its your final last call......
Simple Plan,Perfect
Hey Dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according
To plan?
Do you think I'm wasting
My time doing things I
Wanna do?
But it hurts when you
Disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good
Enough for you
I can't pretend that
I'm alright
And you can't change me
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be Perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be Perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be
My hero?
All the days
You spent with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't
Care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good
Enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing' alright
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be Perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be Perfect
Nothing's gonna change
The things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this
Right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be Perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be Perfect
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be Perfect
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be Perfect
lucky tmr off le,yeah!..i hope tonight the pay got creditted
in if not tmr i can only stay at home-.-..Going to find mel if
got pay and Et jy hor keyi de!gogo:D
Saturday, October 18, 2008
tired day lah!!..Today is my first day and the stupid manager
expect so much from me lah..kept on 'paging for aaron','paging
for aaron' i superman like tat..and it was super busy today!
Like there all ang mohs more than sg ppl if not i see the pokia cheapo
singaporean i jiu buyatahan..Got to know many new ppl,One same age
as me de?some aunties and korkors...and the stupid maneger kept on
calling me xiaodi XIAODI xiaodi...Okay expected lah,would kana scold..
I can tell none of the staff would nver nver nver been not scolded for
anything before lah..
And quite lonely lah..i had lunch alone,took bus alone,walk alone,work
alone cuz we assgin to different things..i kinda miss my et&mel sia:(
i hope to see them really soon althought eveytime see et he sure bully
me u say tmr come de arh!sms me hor,but i cant use phone there
de-.-...I m pretty easy to recongise as i dun have to wear uniform i just
nid to wear white and a the manager and department head..
hehe..the feeling very song de!!
And i have cut on my finger while working today:(..kept bleeding even though
is a small just bleed like how my heart was bleeding...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Was actually quite busy with stuffs like work and my guppies:)
Alot of things had happen all these days but i learn alot of things
like a person can be lah,finish using us and finish all the stuffs jiu
say byebye to ni..Fark you lah!(KHOO KAY ENG)..suan le,let bygones
be bygones..
Anyway this morning went for new interview at ..... and i actually
dun feel like working there but i dunwan evin to be in a diffcult
position therefore i got selected and was pretty unlucky..but the
pay is quite attratctive lah..Et&Mel,u guys got to work hard too!
ET without us ard u got to learn to talk PROPERLY cuz i wun be
there to remind u and dun offend ppl and be more sociable and talk
to ppl and things that u dunno must ASK dun quitely stay there there
is no more me and mel to depend on!..jiyaous ni yi ti ke yi!!Mel,no
problem de!!..Hope to meet up soon:)
Tmr i start working le and this is the first i m working alone,i think is
going to be quite boring without et&mel to disturb me and call me nicks..
but i got to learn to get use to it:(..seriously i really would miss their
accompany!..Hope things would be fine for me bah...Went to sign the
contract again..Jiayous bah,AARONCHAN!
Guys see ya really soon.when i off i sure would visit u all de!!
Seriously,MEL&I had become a FISH FANATIC lah..MEL love
betta and I love guppy&treta!We quit playing online game and
instead we got addicted to fish-.-..haha!..guppies&tretas HERE I COME:D
Friday, October 10, 2008
et&i was typing printing typing printing the whole day
and mel is like packing the files and all..all i see is money
money claims claims car accident car accident!!!..piang..
kinda fun lah but tired lo!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
happy for the mother but only 5 survive the rest either is
deformed and was killed by the older guppies or got eaten..
and now only left like 2 nia cuz i cant really locate them as the
size is just like one nose dirt to spot sia?..anyway i bought
a new big tank for them le,now looks so aquarium!The fishes in
the tank seems to be very hungry i have been feeding like 3times
le but they still looking for food..
Today went back to school for d&t lesson,the back gate was not open
so i climb in in 2steps:D..haha..quite scary cuz i scare kana caught..
Studied until like 2plus then meet mel as he wans to buy some
medication for his fighting fish,omg,one of his fighting fish is damn ill
i think i cant make it le as the stomach had rot and it had difficulty in
swimming-.-..poor thing..mel must take good care of the rest arh!He
bought one more today,the colour is super nice and unquine!
Tmr is d&t paper le..wish me all the best:D..guppies&tetra i love u alot..
lesson..i have learnt mine,have u?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
revise my d&t:)..As i was walking to the bus stop i saw bus 61
then i run super fast and went up the bus then the uncle said,
'wa ah boy u run very fast arh'..haha..of cuz lah i dun wan miss
the bus wad!
So studied half Way then evin called me and said that ask et,mel&
i to go down to his office to settle the job thingy..I was super happy
lah as i got a job already:)..So we meet et 2pm at shenton way and
went up to sign the contract,hehe,first time sigining contract:DD..
We would be working for AIG,the one the almost went bankrupt de-.-..
$6 per hour,n0o bad lah at least better then no job!
Then went ard and bought somemore fishes as i love them alot lah,
somehow i fell in love wit them..mummy told me that if i keep a pet
it would help me clear my sins as i m doing a good deed therefore i m
going to love them more then myself!..they are adorable lah!..Bought
one peguant fish!..going to give birth in a few weeks time!...
Mel Mel takecare of ur neck hor!aiyo see u today damn kelian!..SLP
PROPERLY!haha...see ya:)
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wohooo,today went to sentosa wit kor..i m kinda kana sun burn..
Woke up ard 9plus to see my lovers but to my shock the water
turn cloudy and my lovers seems to be panting!..oh man..then i
check the net then i realise all new set up fish tanks is like tat de
but panting seems to be oxygen starvation lei..dunno lei..maybe
tmr go buy one air plump for them or maybe is the sea plant cuz
it may due to insufficient sunlight therefore it cant complete
photosynthesis therefore it is fighting O2(oxygen) with my lovers..
and i realize there is so much things to takecare of the fishes!
they are undergoing some stress dun to some process therefore i
must change their water 25% per day to reduce their stress and
i must feed less and must check ph of the water is it ard ph8 and
the temp of the water and when i off lights i cant just off like tat it
would startle them..I know i must put in alot of care and love to
see them grow up..haha..
Then ard 11plus meet kor at vivo but i was raining badly!..therefore
we shop ard lo and had lunch hope that the rain would stop but it
get worse until 2plus then stop then got the end we decided
to go in:)..went palawan beach ot suntan and swim abit but the water
i sibei scare cause damn dirty!!got many chiobu wear all kinds of
bikini-.-..and saw so ppl playing volleyball,it makes me so tempeted to
play wit them lo!..i was hoping i can make some friends that is willing to
go to the beach to play volley every it rained today
but the sun was kinda storng for skin turns red very fast..kor
made some sandwiches,mmm nice but still can improve:)thanks kor:)
We went to bath at 4plus at i was a my peak!..wohooo the bath was a great
one as it cools my skin down and it turns tan:DDD...haha..then after the
bath we went back to vivo for dinner and some shopping..Kor thanks for
everything up soon!..Jy arhs,u know wad i m talking about:)
Applying some aloe vera cream now...going off to bath soon!tmr going to
study d&T,book chalet,buy plump&dunno wad...Nites:D
Saturday, October 4, 2008
By right must meet mel at0900 so must wake up at
0830 but as usual i keep telling myself then in the end
i woke up at 0930-.-..sorry arh mel..
We reach jurong swimming pool ard 11plus le..then saw alot
of foreigners..saw a group of adorable japenese students..haha..
Anyway got some good and bad experience today,Bad is me&mel
got knock by some fatty woman float-.-..omg is super painful de lo
i kana the back and now like sprain le..when she knock i knock a
mountain knock me-.-..mel kana neck!..pain!poor thing..Good thing
is i really enjoy myself today,mel i hope u had fun too:D..
Then after swim we had kfc..i had the worse experience at the kfc there..
haiyo..suan le..then we head off to look at my fishes but in the end no sell:(
then we meet et first at paradix for our daily excerise..lan!..haha..then jiejie
came then we head off for dinner at chinatown then i finally bought my
long waiting gruppies..they are dam cute loh!i bought one tank,some
stones,seaweeds and 10shiny gruppis n 2 red cool lo..i love them
alot.when i get my frist mth pay i gonig but them nice food and new
I'm sorry about today for causing this unhappiness to you.I m sorry:(
Off to bed le tmr going to beach wit benben korkor:D
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Hello,i'm 13050034 i m here to take 219203..

Mel is so cute loh!right?

My MOOD was great today,the moment i step out of my doorstep
i feel great and wonderful,i know that today would be a great day!
I took a cab to nearby school coffeeshop and took my lunch there
and went to school to do some revision!i tot i was the first but i saw
munyee&bestfriend was studying i was like so early aeh!!!!they more
kaisu then me-.-...then i started mummbling to myself to memories
the things!munyee and guys claim i was siao!
Okay the history elective was kinda killer,lucky that the ones i studied
came out..heng..but the questions are kinda narrow lah!..i think history
would bring my marks down..but nvm..
then after school jing,et,mel,munyee we went to shop for somethings..
We went to vivo and walk walk,had lots laughther,as usual lah..haha..
so fun hanging out wit them..
Today we did something bad!!we wanted to save money and we cheated
at the mrt station checkout pt..haha..dunno how to elborate!!actually
wanted to come to my house to have a home cook dinner but in the end
i cant make up my mind wad to cook then we decided to go 148 eat!..haha
it was jing first time there..
Then we bought some snacks at seoul snacks shop..then we when we wanted
to croos the road to the opp bus stop for bus i chiong over the road almost
kinda knock by car then et actaully wanna follow but he got shocked then he
move back and his shoulder knock jing chic then the sauce kinda his shirt like
bird shit and jing almost die of kinda being pierce through her neck-.-..jing arh
if u a piercing at the neck go to the shop dun kinda poke by et-.-..haha
When we reached 148 it was kinda i expect it was going to be long..
as i expected we wait from the bright sky till the night fall!! long lah but we
had a great and wonderful dinner was very memorable loh!!
I hope we can go there eat together there more often!..haha..
Today ms neo claim that i was abit crazy as i was saying this to everyone,hello
i', 13050034 i m here to take paper 219303 starting at 1400 last for 90mins..
And i wanna keep GUPPIES!!!..where got sell nice and classy mini fish tank???
Friends we are hosting a chalet for one of my besties,mel birthday at
30th dec 08,if anyone is interested do tell me and i would invite you de:)we
would be booking the biggest chalet we had ever stay before.haha
you are just like it lah!