Raining cats and dogs, its the usual weather in the month of december in singapore. We don't have snow but flooded drains and roads !
Went shopping with my cliques (Darren&Elvin) today at orchard. I was late as usual and Darren is getting use to it, i guess. Sorry darren =( you know i do =DDDD !! haha .. Bought a new shirt for myself at Pull and Bear and elvin bought tons of stuffs ! RICHIE BOY !
Darren told me to take the above picture ! It is a model from Topshop! LOOK AT HER TEETH! so funny =X
Lon's chalet cum "bird" day party turned out to be a fun and a very successful one! The first day we gathered at Ren's place before heading out as most of the things were placed at his house for convenice sake. We had like tons of stuffs to bring along and it feels like as if singapore is going into have a war =.= .. So after we reached the chalet, we started to prepare and decorate the place and taking photos =DD and so we will let the photos do the story telling ...
Then slowly lon's friends came slowly and we started to BBQ and so on !
Then comes the cake cutting cermony ! Hope Lon like the cake that we had bought for him.
~Ruiyang and Angela are my new friends =DD ~
For more pictures you can visit my facebook , http://www.facebook.com/fadedloves?v=wall&story_fbid=126263644090041
Day 2
We slept in the morning and woke up in the afternoon and we planned to have STEAMBOAT for dinner =D.. i simply love having steamboat with my cliques ! it is so heartwarming and delicious !!
And that very evening I got myself ..70% drunk .. & during the period i was sober, happy memories came back to me ..
After this chalet, I felt that I start to understand my cliques abit more. It is the first time that I see everyon cried together as a clique and being happy as one ! Orgainsing a chalet is not an easy task if you as everyone, we need to have everyone cooperations and lots of efforts to complete it and each thime a chalet ends it feels very happy cus you know you did something that help to bond the clique together. I really hope that dillon and the rest of the clique enjoyed this chalet because frankly speaking I don't know how many more chalets I can be spending with my clique.
I know it very well one day I will be drifted away from my clique due to the nature of my work thus given any opportunity I swear I will make myself and my friends happy cus at least if that day will to really come I know I still have tons of happy memories we once spent together.
Suen be strong, you know we will always be here for you whenever you need us. If you are feeling unhappy at any time of the day just pop me a call, I am more then willing to share your burden with you if are okay because that is what clique is for ! We will be right here !
Celebrations ?? haha ! First stop we went to The Cathay and catch the movie named , Gulliver's Travels in 3D ! The 3D effects sucks to the core but the storyline and humour that it brought to us rocks to the max ! haha
After the movie we went to Sakura to have buffet dinner ! It has been sometime since I last had buffet ! I guess the last one was with my cliques at Science Centre. Nevertheless, I had again today ! Intially it was totally fully booked and we were quite dissapointed but lucky in the end the manager got us a seat =D
For god knows when till 31Dec 2010 sakura is featuring Peranakan style. And they also featuring durian theme food ! The above is GREENBEAN SOUP WITH DURIAN PASTE and it is like werid to the max. ewwwww .. But there are other durains stuffs from fried to bake de, like durian crepe,durain tempura,durian springroll,durian pau and many many more ! I ate the durians until I am so sick of it !
Camwhoring =D ! It was agreat dinner and a great catch up. Sometimes it just felt like we just ended secondary school but the reality is we are going to be a year 2 poly student soon ! Time really flies.
Another great news is the my 1st credit card under my name is HERE ! It is the maybank Vibescard that can offer a creditlimit up to $500SGD ! But everything comes with a price ah ! I must have better control over my money if not =.=" ... But the card looks really cool and it has many many offers but I wanted citibank more but they rejected me once and I am so gonna apply again like elvintan ! "NEVER GIVE UP,JUST SEND NIA ! ^.^" - ELVINTANCHINKIONG