To CS,
I saw ur msg in the midnight yesterday and i got alot of
thoughts..Wad is the past is the past already i had already
forgetten wad has happen therefore u dun nid to say sorry
because is not just ur fault alone.I know u too me u fail ur
prac exam,i know is sad and intolerable but take it as a
learning experience to urself,tell urself u would work hard
for the next exam and dun get stuck in the past.Let me tell
you,i was once a failure in life too but i never accept the fate
i believe destiny is in my own hands.I was a EM3 student
back then.I told myself i would work hard and prove the world
wrong.Finally i made it,I was the first in my school for the
EM3 result.This is something i had done in my life that i m
honorably proud of.And in my sec life those who would the
EM2 student were all behind a EM3 student.So Failing is not
the end.Chance is everywhere in the world.To be able to
succeed u must first learn how to fail.Sometimes i thought i
was the most emo person in this world but after i know u,
i realise u are more emo than me sia!..Learn to let things go
and dun live in ur past.I have heard about ur past i know it
is sad and unforgetable.Me too has my past that is unforgetable.
All i wanna say is everyone has there own past whether happy
or sad so dun brood over urs.& let bygones be bygones.I dun hate
u from the start just duunnoo..think over it and sms me:)I would
always be ther for u!