Don't they look alike?One is Mr Barrack Obama & One is a
Indonesia man..Oh man looks like the myth is quite true?
It was once said tat u can at least find on person on earth that look
98% like you and looks like is quite true huh!

Maybe you had seen this Future MRT map before?
This would be our singapore mrt map in a few decades down
the road and it would link up the whole island and our neighborly
country,Malaysia.Wohoo next time no nid take cab liao just MRT
would do but the number of stations is pretty scary i think even a
singaporean might get lost taking trains!..hehe..
Today in school nothing much happened in school,Mr samy is absent
again!And finally we have a new Chinese teacher,i like her pretty much
as she is quite constructive about her lesson and she stays very near
my house here,every morning i take the same bus as her to school..
Hope that everyday would happy and carefree for me:)
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