Saturday, February 21, 2009

Almost 2 month le bah?My life seems to be more boring,lifeless&
quiet without your presence..I really missed those days that
we love to hang out together even just a walk of long distance like
wad we always did and pei each other wait for bus but in the end
bus came and neither of us wanna board because we love talking
to each other about our heart's felt?You always the one that was
there for me!Even when i got bullied but now i m left to walk this
lonely road alone..hais..

The old me would always think 'Why must ppl do this to me,do that
to me?'but after all these time i had learn alot and tat is not to ask
why ppl but ask me why ppl do this to me?Isn't this a better instead
of pushing all the blames to ppl i also held some responsibility..Same
for u,dun always think ppl treats u unfair or wadever sometimes
think we ppl would treat u like tat instead..

If time can reverse i promise i would treat you better than wad i
had been treating you..Who is left to pei me walk this lonely road
and protect me?YOU or YOU o YOU or YOU?none of you
are able to do it.. i have really given up hope le but at least i still
have you to be with me:)

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