Tuesday, July 29, 2008
anyway i skipped chinese lesson today and instead
i went out wit nue&munyee to bugis to buy some
presents..was fun we took neoprints too:D..haha..
Then went back for d&t..sian.. i so damn fucking tired
cans?I WAN REST!..nvm..anyway artifact going to
finish le..and folio must jiayois!..
After d&t munyee pei me to tiong to buy some stuffs
for d&t:D..thanks arh munyee:)..GUESS WAD we saw
at the mrt station?We saw two fat indians holding
hands and they are gays!..haha..and everyone is looking
and they are not scare?..HAHA..so fucking funny..when
nuer saw it she was like so SHOCKED..HAHA..
Then at tiong.Guess wad we saw agin?2 aunties quarrling
and they are shouting at their top voices!...haha..everyone
was looking from all corners like a concert is going on!..munyee
sibei kp keep looking=.=..they are shouting'you cheebye lah'
but in canto version loh..haha..so funnny..
Next incident i shall not say cuz is not nice!..
Then lastly while we are on our way home on bus then it was
so crowded but we decided not to move any further in cuz
we are dropping in 2stops then there is this old uncle that
was squeezing through the crowd wit all his fucking bags..
and i was so big then he came and poke me and ask why we
nver moved in?i immediately scolded fuck u..he is like so
unreasonable..say wad student..bababa..FUCK YOU LAH.
WAIT TO DIE LAH!...damn fucked up by him...CHEEYBYE!
Then when i reached when i reached home guess wad happen?
i m like damn fucking tired le cans?if you are stress up wit work
SO AM I!..
Monday, July 28, 2008
omg i cant afford to fall sick now man!..sian:(
dunno wad to blog today..totally no mood cuz
i m SICK!..
Do you knw i love you alot?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
today:)..so fun and tiring loh..my legs going to break le!
Ok,First meet them at bugis to buy munyee birthday present..
but while on my way the fucking 143 was going so slow lo the
uncle purposely de..he was like going 3okm/h..can you believe it?
my blood was boiling while taking it..lucky 61 came at the back
so i quickly alight and switch bus!..sorry wujing:(..
When i reached there we shop ard the food fest that was going on..
wahaha..lorts of delicious food loh!..haha..even got smelly tofu..
wujing&i bought a famous taiwan dessert..nuer dunwan eat cuz
got milk..haha..was quite nice until i realize that the yam paste
is actually sour de!..eee..saw one woman crying then nuer said
must be the smelly tofu too smelly until she cried..haha..it was
damn hilarious loh..i laughed like hell!..lady,sorry to make fun of
Anyway we shopped for a long long time before we bougth the present..
siann...so tired loh!..haha..after that wujing actually wanna meet her
bf de but in the end not to ps us she didn't meet him..so we went to
Haw Par Villa,wohhoooo..i rmb i went there when i was really small
and i dun hab much impression of it but still manage to find it!..
We first went to the 10courts of hell the we walked the whole haw
par villa..woooohhh..the weather is damn killing hot!!..we bought sushi
there too:D..i saw many scary things..i promise to be a good boy from
today onwards!..haha..we damn fun there..we took tons of photos and
run ard like some sua gu tourist!..haha..i really enjoyed myself there!..
haha..actually no matter where we go as long as my two best best frens
is there then i would be fun de!..
After that we went back to vivo to enjoy the cooling air-con there and
to slack there!..haha..we went to mac and bought fries to eat,wohoo is
wujing treat lei..the fries tasted so 'sweet' cuz she seldom treat us..haha
no lah was just playing wit her!..haha..after that we actually wan go
do some fish spa de but in the end we wanted to save money so we shall
wait till munyee birthday then say bah!..then next xtop we went to
toys'r'us,haha..got a war there!..haha..me and wujing was like children
loh..haha..fighting here and there..ahaha..was damn tiring after that!..
totally exhaust liao=.=..
after that we ate some cheap giant ice-cream then jiu go home le..haha..
was damn tired..damn it,we lost something important today!..hais..
&something fun happened today,we went to bought the seoul snacks
then i was so happy squeezing the chilli bottle and indeed alot came out
and i was telling the both of them that the chilli is nice and not spicy then
after wujing ate it and fount out that it was TOMATO..lols..so funny..
then they joke wit me about how i m lieing to myself that i can take chilli..
haha..so funny loh..& wujing your 'erect'!..lols...HAHA...
Our next outing is??TO the ZOO!!.haha..ages since i been there!..haha:)
&jing&nuer thanks for the treats today:)
looking forward for the next outing:D...
Upload photos tmr..damn tired now..
Saturday, July 26, 2008
then saw pasar malam,wohhoo..so long nver shop
pasar malam le..haha..so bought bubbletea & went
over to buy food!!..haha..bought takoyaki,nuggets&
seaweed chicken and roti john!..haha..mm..the nuggets
tasted the best of all!..so crispy!..
Then went home and take some books and off to study
at bugis library..mmm..done my maths homework and
done some science..still got alot of doubts!..Realise that
sometime being alone isn't really a bad idea but of cuz
everyone needs someone in this world de!..
Every story has it's beginning and it's ending,but when
would my true story starts?and how is it going to end?
sometimes i wonder where did i misplace you?
When would you come back?Do you know i m waiting fer u?
probably we are from two different world,my world is full
of ups and downs but yours is a peace straight road..
ME?i m just in a now community school with average marks,
however,you are from singapore's top 3 school with marks
that my school tops pupil cant obtain!..how i hope i was
like you!..i hate being average!i want to be top of everything!
Friday, July 25, 2008
was unable to finish my d&t in the end
but ms leong hand in next week..must quick
finish during the weekend!..Anyway i pass my
first math sample paper!..haha..so happy!..is like
next pass before lah!haha..
Just watch prom night..i tot is a ghost movie but
in the end it turn out to be a killer movie..quite
shocking..cuz it always appeared suddenly and the
scenes is quite gore..but i got shock twice..is actually
quite scary to someone who is timid like me!..
Off to do my maths homework and practice some maths
questions le..Jiayous!
Some stories needed to be told to everyone!..
Thursday, July 24, 2008
board but in the end is tmr lah..and tmr is my artifact
deadline and i haven start=.=..dead liao!..
anyway today went to ms ng art room and do my presentation
board because workshop was damn pack!..haha..i had fun there
:DD..and thank you,regina,brenda&donodris(sooryy dunno how to
spell),for helping me sanding my workpiece:)..thanks guys:)you
are loved:)..haha..then i was busying wit lifang..lols..she is over-
reacting=.=..lols..anyway i was chionging my colour rendering
since after recess and i realise my rendering/toning is not bad lei
haha..mine was said to be better then salabiah de lei=.=..
then after all the pasting of sticker and stuffs i went back to art
room and find jingy for dinner:D..haha..we had dinner at bmc
kfc:)..i enjoy talking to jingy lo,somehow she is the one who
understands me the most:D..jingy i hope you understand my
heart felt..
Ok i m damn stress liao..8more days to munyee birthday wor..
was thinking of something?hehe..damn sick de:DDDD...
&guess 8 more is wad day??????MUhaha is finally here!the
seventh month GHOST festival!There are many rules&
rumors to follow if not..hehe..anything happened then i
1.Children should return home before sunset.
2.When someone calls you at your back,DO NOT
turn back cuz i might not be a human calling you:O..
3.Do not step on the incense that is flying on the floor
but if you accidentally step jiu quickly apologizes if not
you vision might immediately changed and things would
crawled towoards you!..
4.Do not go swimming at anywhere,if was believe that
the hao brothers would pull you along to pei them forever!
5.Do not hang clothes to outside after sunset it was believe
that the ghost at lvl 1 would pull all the way down..
6.Do not speak vulgar or scold anyone that has passed away
they might haunt you cuz they might think you are scolding
7.If you see one of them DO NOT tell anyone immediately
OR else you are in trouble!..Just keep to yourself first!..
8.If someone pat you on your shoulder at night even though
it might sound like someone you know,DO NOT turn back and
answer or the thing would posses you or light out your lamp
of life!..
9.Dun answer any unknown calls in the middle of the night
cuz it might not be your friends calling you and is..them!..
10.You should not visit and haunted house or places.
11.I forget le,is something to do wit mirror de....
12.When you see or walked pass ppl burning incenses do not talk or ask
wad are they doing!..
and guess wad i encountered last year while i was going to sch?
Lastly,although ppl say as long as you liang xin is clear there is
nth to be afraid but it does not apply to it on the seventh mth!..
just be careful&pray&dun do the wrong thing jiu can le!..Those
who have harm ppl before,YOU BETTER HAVE extra protection..
MUHAHA..happy seventh month!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
they are sick:(..so heart pain to see them sick lo..
guys you must take good care of yourself!..
Korkor you also must takecare hor,you have food
poisoning and fever!..must takecare too!if tmr i got
time after my oral i go and visit you:)..must take
good good care!..heart pain to see you ill too:(..
Got my direct admission form for ite but i dunno
how to tell my parents as they always thinks ite
is not suitable for me but the gap between 'n' and
'o' lvls is too wide and i scare i cant fill the gap up
and it the end still fail!..maybe is better off to go
ite the poly..just like korkor and now he is doing
well in poly too so i think is pretty fine..see how
bah..haven really decide on the course to attend..
Off to bed soon,tmr must prepare recess for my
to dearest friend..shall prepare salad:D..guys your
favourite:)..and i would bring barley for you guys
Monday, July 21, 2008
didn't attend lesson but i got go back
school to do some d&t stuffs..was killing
me..my head was spinning and my stomach
hurts!..Doc say i would heal today but i doesn;t
seems like lei cuz i now got fever liao..would i
die?i dun wan die sia!...
Anyway say this cartoon on the net,

I really miss a hug man..i really wan a hug:(
lols... so funny..gtg rest le tmr got school to attend!

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Doctor Fish is the name given to two species of fish: Garra rufa and Cyprinion macrostomus. Other nicknames include nibble fish, kangal fish, and doctorfishen; in non-medical contexts, Garra rufa is called the reddish log sucker. They live and breed in the outdoor pools of some Turkish spas, where they feed on the skin of patients with psoriasis. The fish are like combfishes in that they only consume the affected and dead areas of the skin, leaving the healthy skin to grow, with the outdoor location of the treatment bringing beneficial effects. The spas are not meant as a treatment option, only as a temporary cure for symptoms, and patients usually revisit the spas every few months. Some patients have experienced complete cure of psoriasis after repeated treatments, but due to the unpredictable nature of the disease, which is strongly influenced by endogenous factors, this may simply be regression towards the mean.
Garra rufa occurs in the river basins of the Northern and Central Middle East, mainly in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. It is legally protected from commercial exploitation in Turkey due to concerns of overharvesting for export. Garra rufa can be kept in an aquarium at home; while not strictly a "beginner's fish", it is quite hardy. For treatment of skin diseases, aquarium specimens are not well suited as the skin-feeding behavior fully manifests only under conditions where the food supply is somewhat scarce and unpredictable.
In 2006, doctor fish spa resorts opened in Hakone, Japan, and in Umag, Croatia, where the fish are used to clean the bathers at the spa. There are also spas in resorts in China, such as Hainan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia.
Woah..pretty interesting!..must go more often and munyeei think this is good for your leg too cuz you got some
skin problems on your leg ma..bring you go during your
I have done appropriate actions as the spamer!.
Happily?for u maybe?but not for me cuz from the day everything was bad for me

proof of korkor bled!..this only 1% if the tissue

my leg..scary..

kor's leg..super alot!

US while we at the spa..

our legs got attacled=.=

our legs again=.=
Wohhooo today went to sentosa wit benben korkor,
sorry i was late..we went to palawan beach thinking that
there would less crowded but it was packed=.=..but in the
end we walked further down until there is only a couple
there..woahh the whole beach to ourselves!..haha..there
wasn;t much sun today but instead we just swam ard lo..
disappointed,was thinking today can tan abit..but in the
rain and we chiong to toilet to get ourselves clean up..
after that we went back to vivo and shop and eat:)
Walked almost the whole vivo cuz korkor wanna shopping
and buy something..but in the end nver buy lah cuz dun
have he like de..we then we to eat ramenten..i ate spicy
lala ramen while korkor eat spicy chicken ramen..WOAhh
was dying for water!..EXTREMELY HOT but kor say not
hot leh...then i very kua zhang lo swear,cry,mucus keeping
coming=.=..unless me!..kor,the staffs and some patrons of
the restaurant also laugh at me lo,i was so kelian lah..cant
take it..korkor can!..pro!..we went for fish spa after that..
eeee was very scary lah!..before you put you leg inside they
already wan eat you liao...and it took me sometime before
i put my leg inside...super scary..may seems fun but is not
to me!..the feeling of the fish biting is funny and itching and
abit pain cuz they are like hungry ghost!..korkor one got 65%
of the fish attack him lo and i got a gaint fish keeping attack
me lo..it was the biggest of all and the most itching of all!..
Korkor leg bled after that cuz his leg's wound got BITE OFF..
OMGGGG..was bleeding non stop until i so scared lo..then
we bought plaster and stop it but korkor shorts kana alot
of blood..see liao also heartpain although is not happening on
me!but our legs were so smooth like duno wad..it was said that
the fish can help to cure some skin disease and can help remove
dead skins and uncleaned bacteria..not wonder out legs was so
smooth!..Then we went home after that cuz korkor insisted that
his short was unglam with blood stains..if not we going ps to
shop de.nvm next time:)korkor takecare of your leg and when
it heals we go another one that can full body spa de:D..shall
go to the beach again soon..
Anyway today jane's birthday:)..HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE:)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
while i was clicking and selecting the pics to delete
my tears just keep rolling down but i got no choice..
i m living is misery everyday and the only way to
release me is to forget all the things we had..although
is close to impossible but wad other choices do i have?
Realize that 75% of my photos has you inside..i was
very painful for me to delete the photos!..i really cant
bear it:(
probably you are,this is want you wanted along?
Let it go.
to happened cuz my left was badly in pain and was
'flicking' and thats a very bad omen plus the same
eye pain means double unlucky..
Guess wad happened?WHEN I WAS AT MY DOORSTEP
BOTH KANA!it was the other neighbor we
both families were unhappy with..we supect he did it
because my dad and my neighbor are damn unhappy
with him..and the other neighbor son is a super ah beng..
we had a quarrel 5years back and the old guy son wanted
to hurt me but i was saved!..dad made a few police reports
before..but things still happen..
Dad says either he is going to sue the fellow or we are moving
out of here!I suggest to him that i think we shall moved out
of here as i wan a new environment and a new life..I realize i
lived here for 7years liao and indeed i had alot of memories
here but now since so much things had happened i think i
want a new start..The best thing to stay in the estate was
to stay so near to my ex-best best friend and the days where
we go to sch and go out and come home together shall not
be forgotten however i would keep those memories deep in
my heart forever..Seriously i really cant bear to leave here
but since so much things has happened probably is time
aaronchan learn to let go and start again..for me to grow up..
i always ask myself,can you really put down and forget all
the things that we had been through?But wad choice do i
have?so to speak you are really the first friend in my life which
i was true and put in my heart and soul into the friendship
but also the first time i was so deeply cut..
Just now on the way home,as usual wujing&i would tell each
other our problems in life..and she was indeed a true and caring
friend of mine!she is the one who really understand my feelings
and can give me advice which somehow i would rmb it..she is
someone i can really trust now and forever!and she was telling
me to learn to let go of the baggage and i should not cry anymore
cuz i just makes me weak!..So i made a promise to myself that
i shall learn not to cry but today is my last day crying..and i must
learn to let go since ppl dun want me anymore:(
life and we shall always be the one and only,
Thank you wujing i really nid to thanked you!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Today you should be wary of people taking advantage of you. Be on the lookout.
In Detail
Today you should be wary of people taking advantage of you. If you give certain people an inch, they will surely take a mile. It's not that you shouldn't be friendly and generous like you usually are. It's just that you have to keep an eye out for people who are asking for too much too soon. Plan ahead of the needy people who might try to get on your good side -- have your boundaries set early, so that when they cross them you can remind them to step back and give you spaceQuite true arh...maybe i must take some precautions..
how i wish nuer was there,i was super lost..
All i can say is you got nothing to do and you
are trying to do something to entertain yourself..
thats all..is just a trivial matter and you made it
as if something BIG has happened!..Unreasonable&
childish..and if you got see my blog,i wanna say fuck
you show me attitude during d&t,you mama fucker!
exaggerator&unreasonable is the best quality you
Nuer was not here today:(..so during recess i took
over her position and help eat the recess wujing
had prepare..peanut butter sandwich,cookies(lou feng de=.=)
,marshmallow:D..nice&simple:)..kinda fell in love wit lou
feng biscuits=.=..Anyway i m going to repay suen&wujing
by making salad for them on monday:)..
Finally can go out tmr:)Going to study maybe going church..
Thursday, July 17, 2008
i wan goo ouuttt!
Looking forward to saturday:D



LOLs..auntie munyEE:P

Taken wit nuer cam...1st pic of the cam!
Exams is approaching le!another 18days nia lei to
my school's prelim!..WHY if i fail?I fail my maths
test on trigo today:(..i was super upset&disappointed
&i ask myself,why didn't i put in more effort?Why i give
up so easily?WHYWHY??Failing this test really proof
tat i m such a BIG FAILURE..probably i have
been along but i didn;t realise?WHY AM I SO STUPID?
why i cant like darren,gary or suen who scored so well?
WHYWHY:(..& my d&t?totally lose my way!..I m SO
drowning to death!
I'm totally depressed,disappointed&SAD!Save me if you
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
We took the first photo using her cam at the sony
shop and the saleman print it for us..haha..loves it!
Then pei crapper go bugis street buy her cardigan:)
Went to eat and shop then go home liao..
How i hope there would be a tsunami crashing into
singapore and drown me to death!
Now having social stuides class in com lab..
slacking..Just now de maths i screwed up!
i dunno anything and i even cal wrong
cosine rule!..hurrr..FAILURE!I wan to eat,eat,eat
to let go!!!
Later going for d&t then pei nuer go bugis buy the
cam:)Blog later!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
nvm anyway after went to ms goh homeroom
to slack while my buddies are waiting for the 'o'
levels listening oral exams..while slacking we teach
munyee how to come out to play and we teach her
many lame and scary stuffs to scare her family
members..haha..cant stop laughing!.but is true lah
her parents is too strict on her le and she is like 16
soon!..poor thing..
Went home after they entered the examination room,
then mummy called me to go ntuc and buy stuffs to
cook dinner tonight=.=..sian..shopped for 30mins..
bought many many stuffs!..
Nuer,Crapper&munyee jiayous for your listening comp!
I wonder tmr is it my turn for my 'n' levels oral!
Chop Chop Cut Cut Wash Wash!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
this earth too!Are you the one?
Crapper actually wanted to sell her yamaha
flute de but the uncle offer so low loh..wan scam us!
haha..then we shopping ard and crapper bought
a new bag..then we went to eat and went home leh.
Today was fun fun day,i so long nver come out and
shop and joke le:D..haha..
Nuer jiayous for the cam!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
bleeding:(...fever still come and go=.=..anyway
iphone 3G has has been launch in japan and us&
some other parts of the world on 11july..i hope
they quickly bringing to singapore..i had not to
buy the phone from singtel first as the price would
make a big difference after m1 n starhub launch so
i shall wait patiently then..
Have been doing homework since this morning,
i was chionging my d&t folio and now i got 2files
le=.=..miss leong wans me to do design plan for
jan to dec..so now got alot of pages..jiayous!
Wujing sorry today cant pei you go as i m still abit
sick:(..sorry..i promise to pei you go as many times
as you like after i recover:)..
2more days to your birthday le!
Friday, July 11, 2008
today was a long long day for me..i was having super
pain headache,fever and sore throat!Was pretty killing
for me...but still manage to help wahidah complete her
first page presentation board..
Just went to see doc while on the way home..
suffered from high fever,headache and bleeding and
ulcers in throat..i was like WA!..no wonder today i
cough out blood during maths lesson..thinking i
going to die liao..haha..better too:D..HAHA..btw who
cares?I was advice to take good sleep & speak less and
he even said if best dun talk!..& no singing!....mm looks
like i really nid a good rest..see ya guys,hope i die faster
Thursday, July 10, 2008
suits my feelings now..
Leona Lewis.Better in time.
It's been the longest winter without you
I didnt know where to turn to
See somehow I cant forget you
After all that we've been through
go in, come in
thought i heard a knock
who's there? no one
thinking that i deserved it
now i realize that i really didnt know
you didnt notice, you mean everything
quickly im learning, to love again
all i know is, imma be ok
thought i couldnt live without you
its gonna hurt when it heals to
it'll all get better in time
eventhough i really love you
im gonna smile cause i deserve to
it'll all get better in time
how could i turn on the tv
without something there to remind me
was it all that easy
to just put aside your feelings
if im dreaming
dont wanna let, hurt my feelings
but thats the path, i believe in
and i know that, time will heal it
you didnt notice, you mean everything
quickly im learning, to love again
all i know is, imma be ok
thought i couldnt live without you
its gonna hurt when it heals to
it'll all get better in time
eventhough i really love you
im gonna smile cause i deserve to
it'll all get better in time
since theres no more you and me
its time i let you go so i can be free
and live my life how it should be
no matter how hard it is ill be fine without you
yes i will
thought i couldnt live without you
its gonna hurt when it heals to
it'll all get better in time
eventhough i really love you
im gonna smile cause i deserve to
it'll all get better in time
at 1015 yesterday lei..anyway when i woke
up was around 0800 so if i go school i would
kana punish badly de so rather dun go loh..
fuck lei,i miss d&t,maths and physics lei!..
anyway i m ready to go back to sch le cuz today
workshop got open then i going back to do my
artifact..must complete asap!
Mmm..i have a really happy&memorable dream
yesterday..i would nver forget it for my life..but
ppl say,the happenings in the dreams would
usually happen the opposite way..walao..dunwan
lah!When i wake up i kept thinking about the dream
and i really i can carry on in that dream forever&forever
And i was glad i found my diary which was lost for
2mths..this diary was my favourite as i record every
happening and unhappiness and happiness wit it..
I found in a box which one and the half mths ago i
got a feeling it was in it but i didn;t search the box
but after one big round i found it in the same box..
have the courage to admit it instead i kept
running from it..i m sorry i know is too late
already..i shall forget it and carry on wit life?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
today is a perfect day for slping loh
but must go sch..nth much happened
today..stayed back in school to do my
d&t artifact..i really exhaust by the filling
and sanding..gonna die soon..
Wahidah so kelian,he project keep on got
reject and she got reject again today=.=..
&she even cried out too..shock!so mr tan,thoon
&me combined our ideas and help her come
out wit her new project..
Wahidah jiayous:D
Mmm..seriously i think i m nth better but i
promise i would not give up even if it is the
last minute!..thats my spirit!..keep holding
on till the end!..gonna stayed back after sch
everyday until i complete my project..
is the problem and solve it!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Grr..it was a unlucky day fer me!
Went out to hunt for wire magnets,
firstly i went to sim lim square but when
my bus reached chinatown,it started to rain
heavily and i was like 'Oh Shit nver bring
umbrella'.Anyway when i alight i bought a
umbrella.'waste money'on something i dun
always used.Then sim lim nver sell..hurr..
damn fucked up,took a train to bishan thinking
that there got sell but in the end,NVER SELL..
NVM,got new idea liao..so i took another train
to vivo to find nuer&crapper there to study while
waiting till 5 for buddy singing session at vivo..
didn't study much too,not really into the mood..
cuz was rushing here and there..took lots of photo
,haha..buddy got a new name le..glad that he would
release his single album this year:)..
viewers:I urge you to support my buddy,chen yiyuan
when his album is release this year,thanks:).>
really happy happy for him too!..Had lorts of fun
as usual slept in mt lesson until release school..doing
chinese homework now,shall do d&t & maths later..
Oh ya before i forget do visit this famous blog,
Sunday, July 6, 2008
OUr vp singing!
Went to our school concert band performance at
singapore poly auditorium.It was quite a good
one except some small mistakes they had made..
But i must say our school band is not bad lah..
ChongBOON sec perform too,omg..it waS really
good..the first piece the played was like super good..
i like the two drummers the most loh..they are like
super high and was performing really funny&good..
their band seems to be smaller but slightly better
then ours,in terms of experience and sound quality..
But when they combined and played, i must say it was
really beautiful..i think our school band should merge
with them..
Went to meet Jun Huat at jurong point after the
concert.haha..was pretty fun bricking with him..
haha..we had dinner & shop abit..i didn;t go jurong
point for like 7 years?or more?in my memory it was
a small shopping center but it seems to be really big
and spacious there...and to my horror,i can see tons of
foreigners(Indians the most),i m sorry to say it but
every 8singaporeans you see,you will see 7 foreigners
there..after that then i realize is that jurong industrial
is ard there..so that why got so much of foreigners..
anyway we had a good time..shall out wit jun huat
another day:)
Then on my way home,while i was sitting the mrt
then i saw this old old malay ah ma then i gave up
my seat for her to sit instead as she seems to be
having a hard time balancing on the wobbling train
but guess wad?she prefer to stand then sit down..
and she give me that kind of face=.=..but in the end
a auntie went to sit instead but she asked me is it ok?
Somehow singpaoreans is weird,ppl always complained
we youngsters are inconsiderate but is the 'old'ster
behaving weird instead..
Yesterday is history,Tomorrow is mystery,Today is gift:)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
everything you do is this world require 3 things,Hardwork,
Consistent&Foundation(base).You can only have a good
foundation if you are consistent and being consistent it
would require a large number of hardwork put in.I must
say that i have put in hardwork towards you & so much
until i have to be remind that i'm overdoing le.Probably why
we are like this probably we dun have a good foundation
or there wasn't enough time& finally i tried very hard to
be consistent towards you But somehow things dun always
go the way i wished it would go.
Disappointed is all i can say&feel.Haha anyway who cares
i dun really care about stuffs anymore,the more you
think&care the more i painful i feek,so wad for i
go think?although i have a werid habit of being a nostalgia
but i shall change liao,cuz it really irks me alot..
I got no time for all these stupid stuffs liao,i got plenty of
assignments&tasks awaits me to complete them.
1.In search of D&t wire magnet.
2.Markings to be done.
3.Journal to be completed.
And i m left wit 15 days from now.
aimed alot for perfect but we all know there is nth call
perfect in this damn world.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I used to be a fighter;someone who always can solve any problems in
life&positive towards everything.
But now,so much has changed.My life is just blur.
I dun care about things and wad is happen in my life cuz i simply cant be bother.
I have forgot wad is the things that i used to like or love once upon time.
I m numb now,too numb to feel anything anymore.I had enough of everything.
Give me a break pls,i m gonna break down soon.Anyway it doesn't matter anymore,i m just nothing!AARONCHAN U ARE NOTHING,UNDERSTAND MA??
And if you feel like cutting your hand and is painful then let me tell
you that my feeling now is like cutting my heart out and rub it wit salt,pepper
&small chili then used cane to cane the wound and used hot water
and scald me!Tis how pain i felt.
Is there anyone or then you?
Try to forget everything that it had happen before.

OMG..i m very tempted to the new apple iphone
series2.0..Is like the phone is so cool and is fully
touch screen functions,i wanted to buy because
is ipod+phone together mah..So i went to make
a reservations for the phone on the net liao:D..
Must get for sure..i got the money to buy liao:)
Was saving for sometime le.. Iphone come fast:D
Was thinking about my D&T stuffs today,i m like
dieing of stress le lah..i m left with 17days before
FINAL SUBMISSION..!17days?How to complete
everything sia..i must GO out less&Study more..
Must chiong le..next week i going to stay at sch
the most i can to do my artifact and complete it
32more days to my prelims exams le & 60 more
days to my actual 'n' levels exams..omgomg..i
wan to make it to sec 5!Cant joke le,its serious
work liao..
Hard work would pay off de!Trust me:D
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
EL oral..so unlucky~.~..the teacher
who invigilate us is a very very pretty
teacher,when she walk in to the library
i was like 'wow' so pretty..I was pretty
nervous at first but after that i was quite
relief cuz bijing and i was joking abt lame
stuffs and we laugh and joke all the way
through..thanks bijing:)..the teacher in-
charge also pretty nice,she keep reminding
me to relax..haha,thanks:D..
Tomorrow is nuer&jingy turn le,must jiayous:D
Probably i would nver:(
When ever you gain something,you
tend to lose something too..
The life tat god gave is equal..
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
scare but i think i gonna be fine bah..
hope sooo:)
Saw this website that explains about
you name and i found it pretty accurate&
i was pretty shocked cuz is like?it is ME!
What Aaron Chan Fu Hao Means |
![]() You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings. You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun. Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. |