Went to Dubai today?
YEAH!cuz i was meeting mel at kallang therefore i took this bus 67 to
kallang from my workplace then it passes by this LITTLE INDIA &
SERANGOON ROAD where al the foregin indian workers are gathering there..
at that moment that the bus passes by i really tot i was in Dubai,India-.-..
Nah forget about that lets talk about the happy things!
Meet mel at kallang then we head over to kallang bahru where there is a fish
shop that is having closing down sales..Went there and i bought nothing and
that kaisu mel bought 3items-.-..today was the last day therefore it was EMPTY
everything was cleared!..nvm then we went over to geylang for froggy
congee:D..mm i simply love the froggy congee there as it is very tasty
and i had a good sweating while eating!now i feel so good as i haven been sweating for
days!after eating mel wans to see some(ermm ermmm)so went walk futher down
and mel was shocked and he wanna leave!lols and i cab home from there..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
TIRED!arggg meet melvin today at clementi:D..
haha went to bought fishy things again! and i bought another
1ft tank-.-..must control!Mel went crazy and bought half a dozen
of fishes home..hahaXD..
Something damn funny happened during our bus ride home,it was
so funny that me and mel laugh for 3 long bus stops and i almost
die of laughing cuz my stomach is dying!..WOAH WAD A BUS RIDE
Gonna slp soon tmr working 8am again-.-..sibie sian cuz most of my
colleagues off TMR!No one to joke..
haha went to bought fishy things again! and i bought another
1ft tank-.-..must control!Mel went crazy and bought half a dozen
of fishes home..hahaXD..
Something damn funny happened during our bus ride home,it was
so funny that me and mel laugh for 3 long bus stops and i almost
die of laughing cuz my stomach is dying!..WOAH WAD A BUS RIDE
Gonna slp soon tmr working 8am again-.-..sibie sian cuz most of my
colleagues off TMR!No one to joke..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Arggg i m exhausted!I have being training the new trainee and the department
manager...oh man is damn stress lah he is like my superior in a few weeks time
but who cares i m leaving in a months time..I have been working at Guthrie House
for 6weeks..at first i kept thinking how am i gonig to make it through with my boss
which is so demanding but time really files and i cant bear to leave the store now..
dunnO why..maybe i fell in love wit the job..From a person who always got scolded
and scolded to a person who are now my a stand in the store who ppl thinks that he
is one of the best part timer and whose boss can rest assured to leave the supermarket
and part timers under my control..i feel proud of myself..Boss had said that on the 28
of dec which is me pei huan and haqueel last day he said he would bring all the part timers
out for PARTY!Woah is going to be fun got Clement Pin tong Kai yong Pei Huan and one
more fellow which i cant rmb his name and BOSS!..haha.looking forward for that farewell
party!Drink till we drop!That wad boss said!hahaXD..
Today is the day where we would buy roast duck and chicken and stuffs to pray to the god
for the sales of this month and this time i was included in helping too:D..And they ask
for 4D number and i heard that everytime they buy they strike!..oh man i gonna ask
mummy to help me buy tmr cuz is like damn real cuz last month i eat 2 free meal for
sue cuz she strike the number TWICE!..OH MAN!..Hope god would spare me more cash
to spend as we are in a RECESSION and INFLATION now!
Was thinking of going to thailand during the chinese new year wit et and his family cuz
i wan to spend a holiday with my best friend but since yesterday mummy had been
not agreeing of me going cuz of the stupid thailand ppl who protest and riot until the
airport close and the govt had put a travel ban!..SHIT U guys!Ruin my PLAN!Hope
things would ease off soon and mummy would let me go cuz i really wanna GO LAH!
manager...oh man is damn stress lah he is like my superior in a few weeks time
but who cares i m leaving in a months time..I have been working at Guthrie House
for 6weeks..at first i kept thinking how am i gonig to make it through with my boss
which is so demanding but time really files and i cant bear to leave the store now..
dunnO why..maybe i fell in love wit the job..From a person who always got scolded
and scolded to a person who are now my a stand in the store who ppl thinks that he
is one of the best part timer and whose boss can rest assured to leave the supermarket
and part timers under my control..i feel proud of myself..Boss had said that on the 28
of dec which is me pei huan and haqueel last day he said he would bring all the part timers
out for PARTY!Woah is going to be fun got Clement Pin tong Kai yong Pei Huan and one
more fellow which i cant rmb his name and BOSS!..haha.looking forward for that farewell
party!Drink till we drop!That wad boss said!hahaXD..
Today is the day where we would buy roast duck and chicken and stuffs to pray to the god
for the sales of this month and this time i was included in helping too:D..And they ask
for 4D number and i heard that everytime they buy they strike!..oh man i gonna ask
mummy to help me buy tmr cuz is like damn real cuz last month i eat 2 free meal for
sue cuz she strike the number TWICE!..OH MAN!..Hope god would spare me more cash
to spend as we are in a RECESSION and INFLATION now!
Was thinking of going to thailand during the chinese new year wit et and his family cuz
i wan to spend a holiday with my best friend but since yesterday mummy had been
not agreeing of me going cuz of the stupid thailand ppl who protest and riot until the
airport close and the govt had put a travel ban!..SHIT U guys!Ruin my PLAN!Hope
things would ease off soon and mummy would let me go cuz i really wanna GO LAH!
What is love to u?U are not sorry at all u are just acting it out
for ppl to see and protect ur reputation thats all!
for ppl to see and protect ur reputation thats all!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Went to work and was home straight after home as i was damn damn tired
cuz today was super busy..hope the section leader can come back soon then
can relax abit liao but now is also quite fun la i think he would be back by tmr
or so..nothing much happen today..slp work slp!
Oh man god!I had just received news that 'N' Levels results would be out
on 18Dec..i m damn scare now but i m more or less know wad i wan in life..
although it might not be appealing to others but i know i would make another
shot in my life just when i m in EM3 to NA and yet maintain my result better than
the EM2 students..I m pretty confident!
Been thinking throughout the whole day or should i say i had been thinking since the
day you left me quietly in my life..I had made a mistake a really big mistake..
cuz today was super busy..hope the section leader can come back soon then
can relax abit liao but now is also quite fun la i think he would be back by tmr
or so..nothing much happen today..slp work slp!
Oh man god!I had just received news that 'N' Levels results would be out
on 18Dec..i m damn scare now but i m more or less know wad i wan in life..
although it might not be appealing to others but i know i would make another
shot in my life just when i m in EM3 to NA and yet maintain my result better than
the EM2 students..I m pretty confident!
Been thinking throughout the whole day or should i say i had been thinking since the
day you left me quietly in my life..I had made a mistake a really big mistake..
I miss u alot,do u know that?Rmb that day?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Just talked to Kor and i got really fuck up by some issue..
I feel like when people needs help in any form they would use all kinds of
excuse and reason to get the help from me and i feel sorry and i trust that
person therefore i do it but when i m at my wits end wit no money and
my parents left for overseas and i was all alone have got any idea how i felt?
i had NO MONEY AT ALL i had to eat noodles for 3 DAMN FUCKING DAYS
because i help someone!DO I DESERVE IT?i just wanted to help you cuz you
are someone i trust and believe in most n do u know that?DO U HAVE MY
I feel like when people needs help in any form they would use all kinds of
excuse and reason to get the help from me and i feel sorry and i trust that
person therefore i do it but when i m at my wits end wit no money and
my parents left for overseas and i was all alone have got any idea how i felt?
i had NO MONEY AT ALL i had to eat noodles for 3 DAMN FUCKING DAYS
because i help someone!DO I DESERVE IT?i just wanted to help you cuz you
are someone i trust and believe in most n do u know that?DO U HAVE MY
Felt that i cant live without blogging so i decided to reopen and why must i close
in the first place?just because of those childish comments?probably but now i
have thought through..
Okay today had off again!..fuck man i hate to off so often!hais nvm..i meet mel at
redhill and we head of to Drain Fishing at one of the main drain near his house it
was pretty fun at first but slowly my patience starts to loss and i get very irritated
and i feel like jumping into the water and scoop them up but the water is like 2~3m
deep-.-..so waited and waited but still dun have and we changed spot and that spot was
super sunny and hot..woah is like burning..SWEAT and DEHYDRATE!..in 2 hours time
we gave up and head to the nearby petrol station and bought a drink and wash our hands
clean!..And off we went to great world city for lunch and it has changed alot, i rmb when
i was young my parents always brings me there to eat and buy grocery..
We went to many many places and finally we stop at Chinatown to buy some fish things
and went to play lan while waiting for et to release from work and to catch dinner together..
we had KFC and mel is quite sick of CHICKENS now-.-..haha..
This month is earned lke 1500 plus and i spend almost all!..wtf i dunno where the money goes
to!..and i need the money back from the one i lend to now and fast if not i think i would use a method that is not so nice to collect it..im sorry it is my wits end!
in the first place?just because of those childish comments?probably but now i
have thought through..
Okay today had off again!..fuck man i hate to off so often!hais nvm..i meet mel at
redhill and we head of to Drain Fishing at one of the main drain near his house it
was pretty fun at first but slowly my patience starts to loss and i get very irritated
and i feel like jumping into the water and scoop them up but the water is like 2~3m
deep-.-..so waited and waited but still dun have and we changed spot and that spot was
super sunny and hot..woah is like burning..SWEAT and DEHYDRATE!..in 2 hours time
we gave up and head to the nearby petrol station and bought a drink and wash our hands
clean!..And off we went to great world city for lunch and it has changed alot, i rmb when
i was young my parents always brings me there to eat and buy grocery..
We went to many many places and finally we stop at Chinatown to buy some fish things
and went to play lan while waiting for et to release from work and to catch dinner together..
we had KFC and mel is quite sick of CHICKENS now-.-..haha..
This month is earned lke 1500 plus and i spend almost all!..wtf i dunno where the money goes
to!..and i need the money back from the one i lend to now and fast if not i think i would use a method that is not so nice to collect it..im sorry it is my wits end!
Monday, November 10, 2008

Dinner at STREET:)

BenBen korkor:)

when it was done!


WOAH straight!

so cuteXD

Half done...

Hate the steaming part..makes me look so stupid!
I shall upload until here first and the rest tmr..Kor nid to help me edit blog:D
thanks kor:D

Sunday, November 9, 2008
I went to Straighten my hair as korkor has recommended me to do..so i meet him at
tampines at 1plus and we went to STORM,where he always cut his hair there..So it
started wit applying some cream and they start to STEAM my hair..oh man i was
terrible la cuz is hot and smoky and i dun like the cream smell!..then after 20mins they
check my hair and it was not straight enough and my hair was hard and stubborn..haha..
so 2ND ROUND OF STEAMING,i was like-.-..haha then wash and use the iron to further
straighten my hair and i was shocked to see my hair length and the thickness!..so damn
long la..haha..then they apply some setting cream and i wash and do treatment and cut
my hair..haha.guess how long it took in total?3hour plus-.-..and i spend $109 on my hair
but i think is worth spending cuz i look really better now..HAHA..I bought a Freshbox
pants too cuz there is a 50percent sale at tampines:)then we head off to pasir ris as
kor wanna alter his jeans there and we had planned to go ESCAPE but they weather was
not so good so we give it a skip and when to watch The Coffin at Ehub.Oh man it was
kinda scary on some parts as i really got shocked but kor was damn strong he was
damn calm and stable..haha..admire him:D..after moive we went to this hong kong cafe
and Mel and Qiqi was eating there too..haha..wad a small small world:)..I ordered some
shanghai fried noodle and kor ordered XO sauce fried noodle and we ordered the century
egg as korkor wanna eat and it was nice..haha first time eat cuz i usually dun like it-.-..
then after that shop shop and then meet mel and we all went home together:D..i had a
great day!Kor thank you so much for waiting for me for 3 hour plus without complaining:)
We shall meet to go sentosa one day:D..
Bought many many things and we went to many many place to buy things.Bedok,serangoon,
tamp,paris ris and orchard..haha..bought a filter and stuffs and now my tank really looks nice
and cool..shall take some pics soon as korkor wanna see my tank:D..yesterday we went to
seoul garden for dinner..mmm it was delicious:D..i was the prawn peeler and et cooker-.-
haha..had lots of fun! and et also bought a nice shirt!..haha:)
The Day befire yesterday
We got our pay and we meet and went to eat Teppanyaki at ps..mm to me it was delicious but
to mel and et it was like shit..haha..maybe my taste and theirs is not simlar bah..was damn
happy as after all my hardwork i fianlly got my pay!..haha..so glad to meet my besties again:D
I went to Straighten my hair as korkor has recommended me to do..so i meet him at
tampines at 1plus and we went to STORM,where he always cut his hair there..So it
started wit applying some cream and they start to STEAM my hair..oh man i was
terrible la cuz is hot and smoky and i dun like the cream smell!..then after 20mins they
check my hair and it was not straight enough and my hair was hard and stubborn..haha..
so 2ND ROUND OF STEAMING,i was like-.-..haha then wash and use the iron to further
straighten my hair and i was shocked to see my hair length and the thickness!..so damn
long la..haha..then they apply some setting cream and i wash and do treatment and cut
my hair..haha.guess how long it took in total?3hour plus-.-..and i spend $109 on my hair
but i think is worth spending cuz i look really better now..HAHA..I bought a Freshbox
pants too cuz there is a 50percent sale at tampines:)then we head off to pasir ris as
kor wanna alter his jeans there and we had planned to go ESCAPE but they weather was
not so good so we give it a skip and when to watch The Coffin at Ehub.Oh man it was
kinda scary on some parts as i really got shocked but kor was damn strong he was
damn calm and stable..haha..admire him:D..after moive we went to this hong kong cafe
and Mel and Qiqi was eating there too..haha..wad a small small world:)..I ordered some
shanghai fried noodle and kor ordered XO sauce fried noodle and we ordered the century
egg as korkor wanna eat and it was nice..haha first time eat cuz i usually dun like it-.-..
then after that shop shop and then meet mel and we all went home together:D..i had a
great day!Kor thank you so much for waiting for me for 3 hour plus without complaining:)
We shall meet to go sentosa one day:D..
Bought many many things and we went to many many place to buy things.Bedok,serangoon,
tamp,paris ris and orchard..haha..bought a filter and stuffs and now my tank really looks nice
and cool..shall take some pics soon as korkor wanna see my tank:D..yesterday we went to
seoul garden for dinner..mmm it was delicious:D..i was the prawn peeler and et cooker-.-
haha..had lots of fun! and et also bought a nice shirt!..haha:)
The Day befire yesterday
We got our pay and we meet and went to eat Teppanyaki at ps..mm to me it was delicious but
to mel and et it was like shit..haha..maybe my taste and theirs is not simlar bah..was damn
happy as after all my hardwork i fianlly got my pay!..haha..so glad to meet my besties again:D
I shall upload the pics tmr as i got some problem now-.-..haha..
U would be shock to see the brand new aaron chan!
Thanks alot kor:) U are my best korkor that i ever ever had!
U would be shock to see the brand new aaron chan!
Thanks alot kor:) U are my best korkor that i ever ever had!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dad bought my some molly from his hotel aquarium..haha:)
my tank was so empty before and now is so many fish le..haha..
got 10 mollie,6 neon tetras and 20plus guppies fry or baby:)and i gonna
buy like 3 more and some shrimp..it is going to be so lively!
Getting our pay in less then 4hours time le..haha got plenty of stuffs that
i wanna buy and of cuz i wanna save half of my gross salary this year:D
Things i wanna buy,
Ipod Nano,New slipper,White hoody,Specs,Fishes and tank,Clothes and many
many more!..
i m so excited for this sat as i haven meet et for sometime le and nver go out full
wit mel and et..haha..SHOPPING CELEBRATE:D
my tank was so empty before and now is so many fish le..haha..
got 10 mollie,6 neon tetras and 20plus guppies fry or baby:)and i gonna
buy like 3 more and some shrimp..it is going to be so lively!
Getting our pay in less then 4hours time le..haha got plenty of stuffs that
i wanna buy and of cuz i wanna save half of my gross salary this year:D
Things i wanna buy,
Ipod Nano,New slipper,White hoody,Specs,Fishes and tank,Clothes and many
many more!..
i m so excited for this sat as i haven meet et for sometime le and nver go out full
wit mel and et..haha..SHOPPING CELEBRATE:D
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Arggg I m so tired!..Moved alot of stocks and stack them and was
cracking my brain to present them nicely,i can say it was worse then
doing maths!..haha..Went to meet mel and qiqi after work actually jaiyi
wanted to come to see me and mel de but in the end she nver come..haha..
next time bah:D..So we shop ard ps and as usual lah,ps is so boring!..not much
shops that impress me-.-..Quite a boring place!
Something make me really doubtful yet happy,As usual i was singing like nobody
business while working and the music was really jazz and i love it alot,it was cobie
cailat songs,haha,then there was this lady appoarched me and ask me who was the
singer that i was singing and i told her and before she left she said,'Hey i realise that
u actually quite well'..i was like...thankyou:)..she was a ang moh..haha..i was so happy
but yet dobutful of wad she said..haha..maybe she is just trying to be nice bah..
cracking my brain to present them nicely,i can say it was worse then
doing maths!..haha..Went to meet mel and qiqi after work actually jaiyi
wanted to come to see me and mel de but in the end she nver come..haha..
next time bah:D..So we shop ard ps and as usual lah,ps is so boring!..not much
shops that impress me-.-..Quite a boring place!
Something make me really doubtful yet happy,As usual i was singing like nobody
business while working and the music was really jazz and i love it alot,it was cobie
cailat songs,haha,then there was this lady appoarched me and ask me who was the
singer that i was singing and i told her and before she left she said,'Hey i realise that
u actually quite well'..i was like...thankyou:)..she was a ang moh..haha..i was so happy
but yet dobutful of wad she said..haha..maybe she is just trying to be nice bah..
One more day!It is coming le!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Just back home from viewing fish wit mel:D
sad that et was working and was going to ah long chalet so
cant meet him but still can meet him on sat de:D
We are release as the store is doing expiry check today..
so i was release at 1230 and meet mel at abc to eat my lunch and we
went over to ikea to see some furniture as i wanna buy something to
accommodate my new tank that i m going to buy after seeing it was
still early so we went over to serangoon to see fishes:D..haha..long time
since me and mel went there..In the end we were lost!..lol..first mel say
'105 got go, i rmb!'haha then i turned out we went to some place called
lorong chuan-.-..took the bus back to serangoon interchange and this time
i say 'tell u liao 317 got go lah..'we happily board the bus and in end the
first half way was correct but the next half way was wrong!.wa piang eh!
SO in the end we found out that it was 315 that was going-.-..life is like this
lah,twirls and swirls in the end we return back to the same!.haha..in the end
we took a cab there-.-..haha..mel bought a fish,haha,,very cheap nia..haha..
i bought a sponge filter:D..and we went to CT for chicken rice and went home:D
It has been a long time since i went out and slp!..the last 4 days i have been working
OTs!..walao is like 15 hours a day lah!..i only slp like 5 to 6 hours then before the
sunrise i must report to work liao!..haha but nvm lah cuz lawerance aka boss scare
got expired things then he must see CEO lei..dun wan hai him so help help lo:D..
is damn good pay lah 9 bucks per hour lei..4 days is like alot lah..hehe..and after
these few days my relationship and peu huan and haquel and suriyana and of cuz
boss had changed alot..the first 3 days while doing the check boss actually joke and
talk funny things wit us and i realise he actually got feelings de-.-..he is always like
scolding everyone lah but now i know why and he is a good boss or i must say dam
good..he cared so much for me pei huan and haquel,he was afraid that we are hungry
and kept on offering to treat us the swiss bake cake which is EXP!..but we rejected
cuz of the price:D..then we work until so late then he treat us cab home lei..where to
find this kind of boss?..the only thing i dun believe is the boss that is always strict and
firece actually jokes!..HAHA..auntie sally also told me boss recuit us using high pay
and high hours!..thanks boss!i woulkd work hard!..we had become the part time
elite team!..haha and i was label as boss personal assistance-.-..haha..glad to be that:D..
Got 2 sharings today,
Life is unfair?haha..life is nver fair just like boss said to us..and i agreed too..in life we
cant choose our mum father or to be born in a silver spoon or sbilings..whenever there
is something worng we would get scolded even it was no done by me...not just in work
but in my life..but i believe is still fair sometimes as it had brought me wonderful experince
and friends,jing,et,mel,qiqi jiejie & MY BENBEN KORKOR:D..haha..i love them all more
then anyting!
The other shairng i shall do it tmr...
Ohya this sat and sun is the finall CSS(campus superstar)but i dun think i would be going
to try as i always wanted to do so and prove to everyone that i can DO IT de but now
i think is worthless to me le?cuz i haven been listening or singing for sometime le and if
i go i only bring embrasse to myself cuz i haven prepare and choose song-.-..how to go?
today i saw alot ppl in the bus singing and i mean is teenagers like me and i m sure he is
going but i can tell him he dun nid pro judge to judge i can tell is bye bye le although mine
is neither good..I always believe that to succeed in something u only nid 10% talent and
90%effort and determination then u are halfway there le..but now?i dun have both..i m
in a dilema...hais..sorry kenny and jun huat for ur support all this while but i m sorry:(
i should wake up from these superstar dream and be realistic lah..hahaXD..
And one very important things is,Thank you qiqi jiejie for buying me the braclet i was
so touch when i heard mel told me:(..thanks alot jiejie:D..i would buy u something too when
i get my pay:D..haha..meet soon:D!
Of cuz i wun not forget my et mel jing & kor lah..i bought for kor a few weeks back le but
no chance to give him..et mel and jing and jiejie i know wad to buy liao:D!haha:D
Christmas would be arriving soon so I would also buy present for all my darlings:DD!
i love dec cuz is present mth!..haha:D..
Next event for me to plan would be mel's chalet which had been confirm so long liao and
now me and him is half way down planning the food and events:D..All friends are welcome:D
sad that et was working and was going to ah long chalet so
cant meet him but still can meet him on sat de:D
We are release as the store is doing expiry check today..
so i was release at 1230 and meet mel at abc to eat my lunch and we
went over to ikea to see some furniture as i wanna buy something to
accommodate my new tank that i m going to buy after seeing it was
still early so we went over to serangoon to see fishes:D..haha..long time
since me and mel went there..In the end we were lost!..lol..first mel say
'105 got go, i rmb!'haha then i turned out we went to some place called
lorong chuan-.-..took the bus back to serangoon interchange and this time
i say 'tell u liao 317 got go lah..'we happily board the bus and in end the
first half way was correct but the next half way was wrong!.wa piang eh!
SO in the end we found out that it was 315 that was going-.-..life is like this
lah,twirls and swirls in the end we return back to the same!.haha..in the end
we took a cab there-.-..haha..mel bought a fish,haha,,very cheap nia..haha..
i bought a sponge filter:D..and we went to CT for chicken rice and went home:D
It has been a long time since i went out and slp!..the last 4 days i have been working
OTs!..walao is like 15 hours a day lah!..i only slp like 5 to 6 hours then before the
sunrise i must report to work liao!..haha but nvm lah cuz lawerance aka boss scare
got expired things then he must see CEO lei..dun wan hai him so help help lo:D..
is damn good pay lah 9 bucks per hour lei..4 days is like alot lah..hehe..and after
these few days my relationship and peu huan and haquel and suriyana and of cuz
boss had changed alot..the first 3 days while doing the check boss actually joke and
talk funny things wit us and i realise he actually got feelings de-.-..he is always like
scolding everyone lah but now i know why and he is a good boss or i must say dam
good..he cared so much for me pei huan and haquel,he was afraid that we are hungry
and kept on offering to treat us the swiss bake cake which is EXP!..but we rejected
cuz of the price:D..then we work until so late then he treat us cab home lei..where to
find this kind of boss?..the only thing i dun believe is the boss that is always strict and
firece actually jokes!..HAHA..auntie sally also told me boss recuit us using high pay
and high hours!..thanks boss!i woulkd work hard!..we had become the part time
elite team!..haha and i was label as boss personal assistance-.-..haha..glad to be that:D..
Got 2 sharings today,
Life is unfair?haha..life is nver fair just like boss said to us..and i agreed too..in life we
cant choose our mum father or to be born in a silver spoon or sbilings..whenever there
is something worng we would get scolded even it was no done by me...not just in work
but in my life..but i believe is still fair sometimes as it had brought me wonderful experince
and friends,jing,et,mel,qiqi jiejie & MY BENBEN KORKOR:D..haha..i love them all more
then anyting!
The other shairng i shall do it tmr...
Ohya this sat and sun is the finall CSS(campus superstar)but i dun think i would be going
to try as i always wanted to do so and prove to everyone that i can DO IT de but now
i think is worthless to me le?cuz i haven been listening or singing for sometime le and if
i go i only bring embrasse to myself cuz i haven prepare and choose song-.-..how to go?
today i saw alot ppl in the bus singing and i mean is teenagers like me and i m sure he is
going but i can tell him he dun nid pro judge to judge i can tell is bye bye le although mine
is neither good..I always believe that to succeed in something u only nid 10% talent and
90%effort and determination then u are halfway there le..but now?i dun have both..i m
in a dilema...hais..sorry kenny and jun huat for ur support all this while but i m sorry:(
i should wake up from these superstar dream and be realistic lah..hahaXD..
And one very important things is,Thank you qiqi jiejie for buying me the braclet i was
so touch when i heard mel told me:(..thanks alot jiejie:D..i would buy u something too when
i get my pay:D..haha..meet soon:D!
Of cuz i wun not forget my et mel jing & kor lah..i bought for kor a few weeks back le but
no chance to give him..et mel and jing and jiejie i know wad to buy liao:D!haha:D
Christmas would be arriving soon so I would also buy present for all my darlings:DD!
i love dec cuz is present mth!..haha:D..
Next event for me to plan would be mel's chalet which had been confirm so long liao and
now me and him is half way down planning the food and events:D..All friends are welcome:D
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