Monday, April 28, 2008
to react at first but slowly i got used to it
but somethings cant be changed or undone..
i cried on for many nights but do you know?
do you understand the kinds of feelings i m
undergoing?i bet you dun!..i dunwan to say
anything,anymore i just hope peace for a
day..hais..suan my older post to see
for yourself bah..
about it..anyway nvms la..i tink can pass but
not very good cuz i use words like 'li','la''lor'..
die liao..haha..nvm la..anyway after that i
waited for them then we went music story
thinking that today got open then in the end
bo open..sorry girls i make you all walk there:(.
ps..anyway after that we had dinner at chicken
stall..haha..then we went to ck and i bought some
stuffs to eat:DD..was really cheap!..then come up
le nuer saw her bus then she chiong there and
say byebye jiu go liao..crapper&i was mouth
itch while waiting for bus then we turn and
went for durain feast..haha..then we got really
full and we decided to walk to ave bus stop there
..can slim down and talk..haha..we had a great
time..anyway GREAT SINGAPORE
coming le..gonna save and chiong arh!!..haha..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
today went out with crapper&joker to amk hub..
is my second time going to amk hub..yeah..
was usual they are late again..nvm
la.used to it liao..haha..we decided to watch the
forbidden kingdom..haha..was really funny&
interesting..the movie was well done..the effect
was really good:D..i was like acting the actor
after a kiddo lo..haha..then went
to study at the cafe..then cant study at the cafe..
lols..then we went to void deck and study in the end
study less 20 mins we go liao..because crapper was
got attack by a big bum..
lols..kelian..then we went to eat then on the way
we saw red plated car then kana hit on the neck
by jingy later i hit her back really hard..sorry
crappe:(..after that we cant decide wad to eat..
then i say go geylang eat the froggy congee lo..
haha..we took a cab there and wujing was like
can dunwan..haha..sorri la..but i hope you have
enjoy eating there:D...haha..was really happy
today..thanks guy:D
although back to the same place and same
time but wit a different although the feelings
is not the same but i m very happy now!..
lets forget the past and live on for the future!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
mum forbid me from going out today
& her reason is i spend too much money..
lame lah..stupid boring lo at home..
sibei boring loh,wake up at 8 for 30mins then
when back to slp again cuz nth to do..then
wake up at 12 naruto for a hour
then slp again..diaos lo..pig..wake up at 3 plus
and chat on da phone for awhile then was waiting
for my mum to come back..i didn't eat breakfast
&lunch and i had biscuits for dinner as a riot
against her actions!!..then finally at seven she
say if i wan i can go out for 1.5hrs nia..lame la..
but better than nth lo..i got prepare and went
out at 9,decided to go vivo as it is the nearest..
when there and walk around and was looking
for some books..but page one nver sell..sad..nvm
then went to LJS for abit jiu bo
appetite liao..then went to see some clothes&
watches..realize there alot of things i haven buy..
saw someone i haven seen for ages le..i was very
shock when i see that person because i didn't
know the world was so we can see each
at that hour and at that place..i think this is all
yuan fen ba..although i saw you again but seems
like we had nothing much to talk and the feeling
is no longer the same as old times le...hais..
anyway heard that crapper wan learn dancing at
story..YEAH!!..then i learn singing there then can
music story go study there together le:DD..hope she give
it a try anyway is quite cheap nia..haha..YEAH.
tomorrow can see my crapper&buddy le..i looking
forward for tomorrow movie and
study..yeah!!...see ya guys tomorrow:D..
Friday, April 25, 2008

today we damn damn fun!.. haha..after school we went to ikea to buy the famous hotdog bun:D..mmm..delicious!.. after we bought we would always chiong to the sauces and try to design the best design:D...& took some pic of our artistic workpiece..then after tat we went o anchor point n walkwalk but in the end there boring de..nth much..then we went over to queensway & check out stuffs on class t-shirt we making..then went to mac and slack..then i at there keep kp that i wanna go eat curry chicken..haha..then after awhile jingy agree and we went to eat..mmm..delicious but scary.. got burnt by the spicy..haha..really spicy to me but when suen drink the gravy she say is like nth.. really spicy lah..haha..they had the famous laska..looks nice..after that we jiu go over to Alexander hospital for jingy dental appointment.. actually the appointment was 430 de but in the end we left the hospital at 430..lols..should had went there earlier since can go in early..lols..was really tired today..then on our way back to take our buses,suen said something which i super duper hilarious and funny..HAHA...SIBEI FUNNY de lor..2D cake?heard before?cuz she say she saw a 3D cake in the net then the cake we always is wad 'D' de?2D?HAHA..SUPER FUNNY,CANS.. we laugh for like 3 to 4 mins non stop and as we walk we just keep laughing and not the smile laugh hor is the kind hor is really laugh out loud..sibei loud.. haha..we all had stomach cramp and tears just flow out..haha..until now i still find it funny lorh..suen nuer you are really the joker for the day:D..haha... then we end our day a the 'T' junction..haha..had fun&laughter..although we share the same things but the feelings we had for each other is opposite.. hais..sad..i m learning to get to use to it..learning hrad..
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
things aren't wad you are seeing?dun you all realize
is actually your fault?dun blame it my fault?
yes we had everything but something was lacking and
thats the bond we should had..i nver wan to let go but
it was being force..i love all your company but i was
all history..a history that is irreversible as time passes
us we cant stop or go back in time treating the scar
that you gave me was invisible and painless..have you
ever imagine the pain i felt through my heart&mind?
why did i let go?because it was too painful to hold on
and all you told me were lies..lies that hurts and bleed..
we can i say?if you said we are 4 years of friends or bros
would not remember that person birthday?or nver
celebrate with him when actually i was waiting..waiting
like a fool..and dun call me bitches cuz they didn't do
anything & the one that is in the wrong now is you
guys..can you imagine the amt of tears that was flown down?
i guess you dunno how i felt..i didn;t blame you all instead
i blame myself..but ain't you guys gulity or something?
not even a sorry?you guys busy?with?am i a part of you
when i treat you as my life?hais..i m numb..
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
dunno why i start to be breathless again
then i know die le sure is asthma attack
again..but how did it trigger and why?
i think i should takecare of my body!
this msg is for you,
i really love you and i can swear upon the
gods..i hope you understand..if you dun
there is nothing i can do..i just wanna say
it is dedicated to you..hope you understand it
It's undeniable... that we should be together...
It's unbelievable how I used to say that I'd fall never
The basis you need to know, if you don't know just how I feel,
Then let me show you now that I'm for real...
If all things in time, time will reveal...
One... you're like a dream come true...
Two... just wanna be with you...
Three... girl it's plain to see... that your the only one for me...
Four... repeat steps one through three...
Five... make you fall in love with me...
If ever I believe my work is done... then I start Back at One (yeah)
So Incredible... the way things work themselves out...
And all emotional, once you know what it's all about babe...
And undesirable... for us to be apart...
Never would of made it very far...
Cause you know you've got the keys to my heart
One... you're like a dream come true
Two... just wanna be with you
Three... girl it's plain to see... that your the only one for me
Four.. .repeat steps one through three
Five... make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done... then I start Back at One......
Say farewell to the dark of night... I see the coming of the sun...
I feel like a little child... whose life has just begun...
You came and breathed new life
Into this lonely heart of mine...
You threw out the life line... just in the Nick of Tiimmmeeee.....
One... you're like a dream come true
Two... just wanna be with you
Three... girl it's plain to see... that your the only one for me... girl and...
Four... repeat steps one through three
Five... make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done... then I start Back at One.
Monday, April 21, 2008
No one ever does this,
We're the best of friends but at one time longed to kiss,
We have done things in opposite array,
But for us maybe God intended it this way.
I ended it all with following words from a friend,
From a pretend friend, who wanted my world to end.
You were my world, each breathe I took, everything I dreamed,
A friendship shouldn't come from this,
but amazingly through the dark it got darker and darker.
Even though we don't shared what I wanted most.
But for now I understand what I have gained from all this
& thats not to believe in any other 'friendship' other then wad
i m having now and thats,crapper,nuer,buddy&somebody..
Yiyuan buddy this is for you de,
You are my buddy through thick and thin. When
You reach for my hand you touch my heart. You are
The bestest buddy that i can have.
You are there for me when i need you the most. You
Cheer me up when i am down. If i am about to cry u
Make me smile. You are my bestest buddy and i can
Not lie.
You listen to me and give me advice, advice that comes
Straight from the bottom of your precious heart. You are
My best buddy the whole wide world and i couldn't ask
God for a little bit more.
We are going to grow older, and things will change but our
Friendship will forever still remain. I'll make new friends but
That won't change because you will always be my best buddy.
I'd like to mean as much to you as you mean to me. I'd like to
Be some help to you as you have been to me. I'd like to know
That as we grow old our lives will change but that our
Friendship will still remain.
Me and you will never be apart maybe in distance but never in
Heart for our friendship is way to strong to let it go off
just like That.
All i can say is that you are my best buddy and i swear to God
That i don't want it to change. I may move to a different state but
That doesn't mean that our friendship will end, because you will
Always be my best buddy. No matter what life has destined for us
I know that our friendship will never die.
Love you always,
aaron:Dalthough we came from a different social background
but we still manage to be friends and you had nver
look down on me and always hab a lot of faithful no
matter in singing,working and life.i really wanna say
a big thank you to you:D..although the days were short
but were happy and memorable,i think for my entire life
i would nver forget this person who had treated me like
his real brother and encourage me and be with me
whether happy or sad..i m sorry for my childishness and
attitude,sorry..sometimes lah:D..& i would do the thing
that i promise you and thats is to be truthful to you not
matter wad it is..and i would promise i would do it..but
i also hope you would be alwasy truthful to me..the days
that we had today was really fun and i had mount on my
most happy memories in my life!..thanks for being with me
all this time:D..more happiness and days would come along
perhaps i might not have such long life but i would treasure
every single minutes with you!You had given me lots and
unforgettable happiness:D..thanks=D

Was late for today..sad..woke up kinda late.. nvm so i went to coffeeshop and eat breakfast:D.. haha..then took a cab to school..then at p.e,gary was playing so rough lor..then i was running to take the ball the i knock into him and his stick hit my first i felt pain and discomfort nia then i thought is i over run then is normal de..then i very furious le,i went to hit and chase all the ball i can..then i feel kinda giddy and breathless which i tot is normal cuz after pe is like tat de..then instead of getting better i got worst..then i knew die le!!.. ASTHMA ATTACK..hais..then i was feeling really breathless,giddy&painful in my chest..then mr stawant saw me ask me wad happpen?but when he see me he also know wad happen le..then he tell the boys to bring me need the fan where i have more air..but i still feel the same or should i say worst?..then they carry me to sickbay..and he say want call ambulance anot? then i say dunnid la..let me rest first and see how..lie there and chin feng pei me cuz satwant got canteen duties..thanks to chin feng i got slightly better:D..i tot i was going to die le..but lucky nvm...actually just now i got think that die better la..if i stop breathing then jiu sayonara liao..haha..tot that was good but suddenly think that i haven fulfill my dreams and wad about my firends, nuer,capper,buddy,somebody?wad is going to happen to them?so i tell myself no matter wad i must get better.. with the willpower i got suddenly my breath seems to get better but i still panting..hais..i was really giddy and my whole body numb like hell!..lucky i nver two things that made me really sad today!First,i sms daddy and mummy tat i have an attack but only mummy reply me and ask me to stay in school and daddy?BO reply!..hais am i their son?..second thing,DILLON AND ELVIN just treat it like nothing is happening around..not a single present when i bought expensive stuffs for them..i can dun mind if you all dun plan my birthday but now you all just treat la nothing is happening?i was like expecting a small small gift..even is a pencil also nvm least a pencil but really sad when i was thinking in history class today,tears wan roll down but i kept controlling. i really got nothing to say le..just like suen said last year, 'wad for buy so exp de later he buy one 3dollar stuff for you'. HAHA..NOW?not even a 3dollar stuff..hais..i didn't talk to dillon the whole day le..NOT A SNGLE WORD!..i m abit angry lah!..wad are my feelings now?speechless,disappointed, sad,crying,angry..i really dunwan think so much le cuz when i think of it my chest just gets really pain and i starting to get breathless again..