Mmm the past few days was pretty fun..These days i m soooo
engross into KOREAN FOOD! really delicious lah and i like
the taste alot..YEAH!...
Friday went to swim at tampines swimming pool wit ben ko,mel and qi jie:D might ask why i go there swim?IS CONFIDENTIAL..then that
night i stayed at kor's kor is a great eater and money saver!
i wanna learn from him:D..Saturday we slept until like 3pm then we go
swim again! many kids ard and all the pools are sooo crowded!
diffcult to swim lah..but i think my swimming stamina improve abit liao:D
so i gonna swim more often nowadays..then kor cooked maggi mee for me
then he drive me go cut hair and i go home after that:D..haha..had alot of
fun & kor is a great host:D..too bad cannt go cruise with him..hais..stupid
school reopen liao..
today?Boring Boring..wake up discover my parents had secertly 'escaped' to
malaysia..leave me alone..hais..OMG I GOING die of BORED..

this is the delivious noodle kor cooked!Got scallop,
prawn,chicken and egg:D..very delicious hor!
i still feel loss..why why why?
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