Best Friends 4EVER!


Clumsy mel-.-..

delicious dinner!

at henderson waves!

Preparing to go out!

me&qiqi jiejie
got secertly by et yesterday!

Okay it has been ages still i blog!..was rather tired of blogging..
All these days i got 4person always pei me and nevertheless
is elvin&mel!..thanks guys:)
Yesterday we went to meet dajie,haha,i miss her alot lor!&when
i saw her i was like'u getting slimmer man'..haha..she really looks
very pretty.We meet at cine and guess where we go?As usual xin wang
hong kong cafe:D,we went there and eat and slack..talked quite a number
of things and melvin ordered this big big shaved ice,jie&i say he cant finish
but he insist he can in the end he was freezing in the cafe-.-..somemore
he was wearing long sleeves shirt!..After that we walk ard orchard until
like 5 plus then went back to cine as dajie wanan meet he bf.Anyway jie
your bf is really nice:)!.
We then went to funan to buy mic as we are playing a new game the is singing
k online and its really fun,can pratice and at the same time can get advice from
ppl!..We know this game at the singapore game fair..then we lan and went home
to chiong the game!..as usual we sang till the nights fall to dawn!..haha..
That day mel,qiqi jiejie&i we went to asian teahouse to have finner and i must
say the food there is delicious espcially the roast duck!..haha..we ate just like
a family lo,so heartwarming lo.Hope next time can eat wit elvin&jing then it
would be really like a family le!..haha..
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