Yesterday is a good&bad day!
I woke up damn late today so i chiong and took a cab to
school as i m like 10mins to the begin of the exams..& i
forgot to bring my dictionary-.-..lucky kok brought 3=.=
so i borrow one from him lo.Thanks arh kok!..& we went
to eat after 1st paper then mak treat me drink water,thank
you mak:)but we was late for paper and the asshole chief
invigilator submit our names to singapore examination
assessment board..kns..release us late and report us?i
conplain you too..
after tat all the paper ave,elvin&melvin and i went to study
but in the end cant find place and we say byebye to ave cuz
she meeting we went to eat parklane wanton
mee as elvin say he miss the mee.haha..went there eat then
damn packed the end they persuade me to play lan for
1hr and i was like ok:)but in the end that lan shop closed down
liao..then et give suggestion to sing k..and i took it seriously!.
and we head off to lucky chinatown to sing..
Haha..had a great time singing..we sang from 0230 to 0700..
haha..i sang the most lah..had lots of fun laughing of silly things
and et even drop at great fart bomb in the room i mean real
human fart and damn smelly la..melvin ran out of the room as
he was dying-.-..
After that we went to eat chicken rice for dinner and went home
le..stupid 961 so packed!et got squeeze by a fat fat uncle..HAHA..
Today woke up early and prepare so that i wun be late..took of
chinese listening comprehension,oh man is quite difficult as the
answers are quite similar and some meanings i also dun understand..
After the paper elvin,melvin&i went to commonwealth to study
and eat breakfast..had a hard time finding the hidden market..
and something really terrible happened..then went to LJS to
study..then jing came too:)..And we went to queenstown
as they say LJS damn at ikea and realise
we are almost late so quickly buy the hotdog bread jiu zhao
le..was sweating like shit lo..
The ss paper was quite a good paper for me lah as i studied the
topics came out and the sub topic that i was good at also came out..
heng..i was so scare when they giving out the question booklet..
BUT BUT the source based came out questions that i had nver
done in my life so as ms anthony..but i manage to do lah..anyhow
write lo..i hope so can pass well:)
The quesitons are,
1a)What can you learn from this source about the reaction of the sri lanka
government to the tsunami disaster?(I was like stone!cuz we had nver do
this type of questions before..)
B)Are you surprised by what this source says about the reaction of the sri lanka
government to the tsunami disaster?(I tell you!I WAS INDEED SURPRISE LO..)
Funny questions man..teacher nver train us to do type of questions before..
Anyway after the papers we went to queensway shopping centre and
photocopy something then jing treat me eat tutu kueh:)thanks jing:)
we are both in the same situation:D..haha:)