trick by melvin again..
guess wad he nver appear for breakfast
and he was the one who suggest it..grr..
after i came home i slept immediately &
sometime really really strange happen..
i say liao you also dun believe but wad i'm
saying is wad i feeling this few days..about
two days ago while i was taking a nap on my
bed i was awake by a shoot on my ear but when
i open my eyes there was only me in the house &
daddy&mummy was still working..but today
feeling was the first i dunno wad is
it but after some thinking i think i know wad
happen..i was back from breakfast and at that
time the sun did not rise up and there is no
sunlight..then while i was learning to sing 除æ¤ä¹‹å¤–
then suddenly i heard someone talking but i dun
care because is morning so there should not
have any funny stuffs..but suddenly then number
1 came to my mind and then 7 and they each have
a special meaning..and the next thing i felt was
a loud zoooo.oooooo..came to my hear and i can
feel i m OUT OF MY BODY..can you believe it?
i totally came out and i wanted to open eyes
but cant i was so scare and the next thing i
remember was my grandmum words,she told
me if you have a strong willpower nothing can
take over your body..and my soul rebounce back
to my body..then i still dun believe wad happen,
then i think of 1 and 7 again the same experience
happen again..and when i woke up at 2 my whole
body was aching and i totally have no strength at
all..and i mean strength..then yiyuan called
me and i told him the incident he say maybe is
the ghost stack on to my body..i told mummy
and daddy after wad happen they say maybe is
quite true or something is trying to take over me..
and they say that indeed nowadays our house is
abit i m be careful..i now dun dare to
slp..i scare that it might happen again...wad should
i do?wad if it happen to me again?can i return to
my body like this morning..and like old ppl say
ghost dun only appear at night they can also
come in the morning when is dim n dun have
Countdown B'dae,
Elvin--18 more days<33
Benjiamin--22 more days..
Me--26 more days<33