Long time since i blogged as i was too busy to blog !
Today is a great great weekend as i went to run with suen
in the morning and sweating like a pig and mom cooked my
favourite pig trotter beehoon .. but the stuffs that is coming
up in the later part of the day i hate ..
Frankly speaking , i am pissed, i mean very pissed with something.
I DUN MIND NOT GOING TO JAPAN NOW .. first of all the
craps my lect wants us to do like sing 8 fucking SONGS included
1 Cherography song , 4 English songs, 1 Chinese and 2 Japanese
which i cant even pronouce or memorise them .. and he want us
to play badminton friendly matches with the japanese and he
wan us to have a friendly SWIMMING competition with them
during the fucking season of winter ! WTF ? On second thoughts
i felt like we are entertainers instead of students going there to
learn new things .. and I shall renounced that I AM NOT A SP
ENTERTAINER ! I dun mind singing but at least not so many songs
and other factors i dun wish to mention . AND i dun like the way
thins are handled in the team, making decisions without consulting
any of us and plenty of last min things which i had .. i mean at least
have an itenary presented to us and not whenever you like you
meet i am a human i have my own life to led too .. and mom agree
with me and she is right that if i am not happy of going japan wad
is the point spending the money and go since i dun enjoy the process.
And one more thing ,
Whether you like it or not or you feel offenisve but i shall tell you that
i am a structive person which means i planned my days and everything
way before thus I am someone who has LAST MINUTE THINGS and
I shall not go any last minute stuff regardless of any event cus it just
fucking pissed me to the max . Everyone has a life to lead, i dun like
my life to be run this mannered.
It may be offensive but I have my own principle to follow and I am going
to be a future sea navigator who is responsble for all my actions and I
am not going to make any last minute decision because last minute stuff
prove that the person has no discipline in life at all.
I am not saying anyone here , i am just say out my views . If you think
i am mentioning about you and you want to gossip and make a big fuss
out of it pls go ahead because this prove that you are gulity.