The above sources were adpated from http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/singaporeseen/viewContent.jsp?id=79384
Firstly i was f***ked and pissed up when i saw this article in Stomp!
The woman is too fking!
Okay i start my essay post,This woman has lack of social tolerance and
not being a gracious person neither is she a good mother to me as she
instilled a wrong midset on the younger generations about our SAF.
And she is being anti social when she say 'somemore they come from dunno
where or tekong dunno got bring dieaseas and spread to my children anot?'
what do u mean dieaseas?u think u are the only human that exist in the
fking world? Who is the SMELLY AND DISGUSTING SAF men? They are
the who safeguard ur safety as well AS UR CHILDREN SAFETY! they are
the one who had provide u a safe country to live in and yet u can label them
as SMELLY AND DISGUSTING? And why cant they take public transport
together with the normal ppl and must they be ban? U go knock the nearest
wall u can see now lah! take taxi u sponsored is it? u are just being selfish and
anti social! i wonder wad ur child would grow up to be like! It would be the
most disgraceful thing and most unfortunate thing that had happen to me
if u are my mother! U are just an ignorant auntie whom knows nth not even
know how to educate ur children wit the right mindset!
Okay it seems i may be over reacting but it is true the we singaporeans should
have social tolerence and be gracious lah though me myself is racist towards
certain race however i dun write it out i just walk away. The point i wan to make
is that we should be grateful that our country is safe all thanks to this SAF ppl
and at he end of the day it is ur children who would be the ones going into the
society so giving them a right mindset and healthy mind is essential!
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