Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life is unexpectable .. This minute you may be breathing and
sitting infront of a computer and the next minute you might
die of a heartattack ! Or next the next second someone is going
to tell you something that will shock you to death !

Today I read a new book and there was an inspiring phrase,
"Falling in love and staying in a love relationship is a different thing,
falling in love is addictive but staying in love is another story .. "
It is quite true! I remember back then when I have no stead i always
wanted one but when i have it i feel kind of tired to carrying on due
to certain issues .. But everytime i try to forgive & forget but it is
easier to say then to do it ! Seriously I do not how many tries should
I give to myself and to us ... i did alot of things to make everything work
out well but either party is always not interested .. " a clap needs 2 hands
to make it "

This time going to Taiwan I am going to really think clearly about our
relationship and whether should we continue or not ? because i told
myself i want to be happy but it is not happening to me !

I cried , i screamed, i prayed to god we will be together for good but
nothing seems to work. I really did tried.

Nothing hurts more than realizing that person meant
everything to you, but you meant nothing to that person !

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