at first wanted to go to the school library and sit down and study..
we settle down in an area where it was alot of people and everyone
was talking quite loudly but there was 2 lonely bitches sitting infront
making irrating sound like "shhhh" and "walao buay tahan liao" ! ..
i was sibie dulan like they aiming us when everyone is talking !!
but we dun care and continue to talk even louder .. and there bitchs
just continue making those sounds !
I mean I know this is a library but cant we even talk in our normal
tone ? If you seriously want to have peace and serenity while studying
the i suggest you go to the quiet zone or if the fucking zone is full the
head to level 4A toilet and sit on the bowl to study ! Fret not there will
be peace,serenity plus inspiration and shit be with you !

This fucking bitches !
And i don't mind not being a gentleman because you don't deserve it
anyway !

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